Miko does not miss an opportunity for a warm and soft bed. I pulled all our clean bedding out of the dryer and threw on the floor for a few seconds and found a little chihuahua nose sticking out of the pile when I went to pick them up. I can’t blame him, I’ve been […]
Holiday Eats
Tuesdays are probably my least favorite day of the week. Not even halfway through the work week and it’s usually a busy work day, busy gym day, and busy on call day this week. But I had a great 3.1 mile run at the gym, felt much better than expected after running a half marathon […]
Simple Eats Lately
Rain, rain, and more rain here lately. That’s a good thing, California needs it! But things tend to get a little cranky after many wet and gray days. We got a beautiful break in the rain Sunday morning, perfect for a 10-mile run. A little windy and the clouds were starting to build for the next […]
Vegan Veggie Scramble
Miko has his favorite toy back, all is right in the world. Leela is not so much into toys, but she has been into raw broccoli lately and comes running to the kitchen as soon as I start chopping it. I’ve mentioned this chopper before, but the Zyliss Easy Pull Chopper is just awesome for […]
Shopping for the Weekend List
Happy Valentine’s Day! Got any fun plans today? We’re planning to hear a famous doctor talk then brave the chaos and go out to dinner – should be fun! And I’m planning a 10 mile training run before because it’s Sunday Run Day! Last weeks training run went much better than expected breaking in new […]
Groggy Chihuahua for the Weekend List
Hello and happy Sunday! It’s been a busy weekend already, I went to and volunteered at SacTown VegFest for a few hours yesterday and will be posting a lot more on that when I finish going through all the pictures! I also have another vegan social meetup today that I’m looking forward to! It has […]
Getting Back to It for the Weekend List
We have progress with the new pet beds, Leela is figuring them out. She pouted yesterday when the cat was in her favorite bed and finally climbed into her new cozy cave. There might be hope after all! Happy Sunday, hope everyone is having a great weekend. I’m getting ready to head out on a […]
Sick Cravings for the Weekend List
I’ve been dealing with this flu now in some form or another for over 7 days. After the initial 2 days of intense fever passed and the respiratory issues started, I had phases of lower grade fevers as I dealt with all the respiratory phases of this nightmare. I have been consistently tired, achy, having […]