Hope you’re having a great weekend, I am enjoying it after a tough week. Hubby was on business travel all week and we got rain, lots of rain with freezing temps and crazy winds that wreaked havoc on our fence again. It’s being held up with a bungee cord currently and we need to work […]
Healthy Dijon Dressing
Miko is such a sweet and supportive buddy to Leela in her old age. He’s always near her when not in our laps, never complains when she helps herself to his dinner, and never goes after her dinner. He seems to really know she’s facing challenging times and shows her compassion, animals can be so […]
Opened Minded for the List
It’s been an odd week and after a few days of freezing temps and frost, I am ready for spring. Ready to see sunlight earlier in the morning, blooms, and warmer weather. Yes, I know, we still need tons of rain. Getting out of bed on week mornings is the biggest challenge for me during […]
Another Solid Turmeric Dressing
These two are looking forward to the weekend and hopefully warmer weather. It’s been in the 20s the last few mornings and evenings which means very frustrated chihuahuas during walk time. I had to dig Miko out of his bed this morning to get out on a walk and he was not a happy camper. […]
Disconnected for the Weekend List
I am fully enjoying our long weekend and having a lazy morning this morning – planning a late run here in a bit then off to a Sacramento Vegetarian Society board meeting and planing for next year’s SacTown VegFest. It’s been an interesting week with hubby on business travel and me getting the house to […]
Kale Avocado Pesto
Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope it’s a good day and people are celebrating love. I am celebrating protein with this recipe using a fun grocery find – Tolerant Simply Legumes Organic Green Lentil Pasta. We’re having lots of fun trying alternative, high protein pasta lately and at 21 grams of protein per serving, this pasta […]
Celebrating Early for the List
It is so nice to chill a bit after a crazy week and Miko agrees, he’s been a sweet little lap friend. Since last week was nuts, I kept eats pretty simple like this carrot and black bean salad with kicky avocado dressing. And used the leftovers mixed with another salad paired with steamed squash […]
Stuff We Ate
I’m back with more stuff we ate, not a recipe, because it’s been a week. But I must admit the Super Bowl was better than I expected, I enjoyed the game more than the commercials and half time show this year. Seriously, what was Justin wearing? We had a fun dinner of Super Bowl themed […]
Busy Week Eats
It has been a crazy week so far between us recovering from being sick and hubby traveling and being really busy at work. I intended to have a new recipe, but that did not happen. Oh well, there have been good eats and an awkward work potluck retirement party. Lots of sweet cuddles from Miko […]
Better Turmeric Dressing
Being blind is tough on Leela, she is not adjusting to it well especially since her hearing seems to be going too. She spends a lot of time wandering the house, bumping into walls, and looking for food. I feel like I’m wandering through this week on autopilot. One of those weeks where things are […]