It has been an interesting week here, a bit of a blur and I have not been great at documenting eats or much of anything! Both hubby and I are going through job changes that are exciting, but also stressful and I’ve been feeling like we’re just hanging on until things settle more. With the […]
Bright Parsley Dressing
Summer heat is back this week which means lazy and/or restless pups. Leela is perfectly happy to sleep all day while Miko gets antsy and frustrated when it’s too hot to go for a walk outside. I crave cool salads with this heat, lots of cool salads and smoothies. And had a ton of parsley […]
Long Weekend Fun for the List
It has been a nice 4 days off here, I am feeling okay about going back to work after lots of relaxing and getting stuff down. But the pups won’t be happy about us going back, Miko was getting used to sleeping in and long morning walks. And my sister’s cat got used to the […]
Creamy Dijon Dill Dressing
Still accepting that it’s July already, where is 2019 going? It is also my virtual Friday because I am taking actual Friday off, so woohoo for a 4-day weekend! I think I need it too because I did not want to get out of bed this morning and was envious of Miko snoring away while […]
Better Ginger Sesame Stir Fry Sauce
Awhile back, I found Vsoy Meatless Vegan Soy Beef Slices on Amazon for hubby to try as a quick beef alternative. The bag contains about 9 servings of dried soy “beef” you can store in your pantry. And simply hydrate in water for a few hours in your fridge before cooking. The soy slices really […]
Leftovers for the List
Ugh, here we are at Sunday night again. This weekend flew by after a busy week, but we got some relaxing in too. The pups have been extra cuddly and lazy with the heat. This has been a week of getting creative with leftovers because I had a ton after out Father’s Day gathering and […]
Downtown Getaway
What I love about Northern California is it’s never a far drive to find different scenery and climate. Tired of the heat in the valley? Head to the bay area or up the mountains for a day trip. Wanna see snow? It’s also just a short drive into the mountains. For me, Auburn is a […]
Fun in the Rain for the List
Sunday again already? Time flies, but it’s been a great weekend. We’ve been getting a lot of rain this week with off and on storms. So, darn, too stormy to do yard work. We did get a great walk in last Sunday while it was still warm and sunny and visited a cute pair of […]
Eating Well for the List
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mother’s out there! I celebrated with my mom yesterday and trying to have a productive day at home today which is turning out to be just as lazy as I prep for a busy week. Leela is doing fine and got good news from her vet appointment, her eye […]
Creatively Healthy
Getting into a healthy, plant-based life style can be daunting with so many decadent plant-based dining out options and processed products coming daily. I’m not complaining! But it can be tough to stick to a whole food plant based diet with so many new options. Shortly after I went vegan in 2010, an amazing plant-based […]