Miko was not happy with me on this dressing recipe, he didn’t understand why I wouldn’t share. Don’t worry, I shared plenty of carrots and beans with him. But this recipe packs raw garlic which is not good for dogs. But powerfully good for humans compared to cooked garlic. It also has raw ginger and […]
Summer Dijon Dressing
Happy virtual Friday to me because I am taking tomorrow off! Okay, mainly to get adult stuff done before the holiday weekend running errands, having car maintenance done, and taking this sweet girl to the vet. She needs another teeth cleaning and I hope that’s still an option at her age of 13 and for some […]
Avocado House Dressing
It looks like it will be perfect weather for the Shamrock’n half marathon this weekend, can’t complain about highs in the 70s and slightly overcast. Let’s just hope my performance can hang in there too because my legs are feeling tired after my final speed training session at the gym. The pups will be ready for […]
Lemony Fresh Dill Dressing
Happy Tuesday! Yeah, Friday would be better. I am feeling much better after Sunday’s 10k and had decent run at the gym today. I also got to chat with the young co-worker who smoked my time to congratulate her. Sadly she didn’t seem too impressed with her pace and was upset at the amount of […]
Super Lemony Tahini Dressing
The rain is back and we’re trying to be thankful for it here, but poor Leela has the blues about being stuck inside. Miko keeps his toy close so he’s always ready for an indoor play session. And it is tough to wear him out! Making this simple lemon tahini dressing will not wear you […]
Settling into 2017
It was great having yesterday off work, we stayed home most of the day in the rainy and windy weather working on projects, hubby fixed our fence with our neighbor, I cleaned and sorted out the closet and made some other minor repairs I’ve been meaning to get to – so nice. Today was back […]
Hemp Ranch Dressing
I’m feeling better after a bumpy week. Thanks for the sweet well wishes on my dad, he is doing better and we’ll be making a trip to visit him later this week. So I may not get an opportunity to post again until the weekend. Smokey is not interested in drama, she is more interested […]
Kicky Nacho Dressing
It is nice to feel almost human again, the last 36 hours have been rough with some stupid, annoying bug-thing running around at work. Ugh! Terrible headaches, body aches, no energy – it was pure evil that forced me to take a night off from training which runners hate. And many have been taking sick days because of […]
Tahini Miso Dressing
I am so happy Friday is almost here, it’s still too busy at work. But I had a great hill/tempo run at the gym after to blow off some steam. And Miko is doing much better thankfully! I’ve been adding cooked brown rice to their dinners this week and he’s been enjoying making a mess […]
Spicy Tahini Dressing
Hello August, that means cooling fall temps and turning leaves are getting closer! And fireplace cuddly time which Miko is all about. But since temps are still hot, I’m still celebrating summer with vibrant salads and fun blender salad dressings. Trust me, you’ll want to make this one. It’s tangy, creamy, slightly sweet, and has […]