Happy Super Bowl Sunday, hope you’re having some relaxing fun today. We hosted a small family gathering and vegan taco party for it. I almost cancelled the plans after a tough week at work, I had a very nasty reality check this week on how bad job stress is impacting me that is prompting a lot of thinking and planning. A not so interesting saga, I know, but my excuse for lacking in photos and interesting eats. Having a cute buddy at home always ready to be there during challenging times helps. Now that he has a ramp up to our bed, he has decided our pillows are much more comfortable than his beds, especially when clean and warm from the dryer.

Lots of the usual sautés, salads, and protein pasta with Trader Joe’s vegan parmesan.

More tofu stir fries, Thai takeout, and simple soup to combat dental pain.

I did try Trader Joe’s Tofu Scramble this weekend and it looks mostly like the picture as well as being simple to microwave – that’s a plus. Hearty with nice kick and texture.

Back at it tomorrow to make the best of this week and I hope you can too starting with the list.
- Best vegan eats at Disney World.
- Best vegan protein powders.
- Best vegan running shoes.
- Vegan tofu cheesecake recipe. Yum.
- Best vegan chocolate brands.
- The Impossible Burger of vegan ice cream. I got to try it!
- And this Rainbow Vegan Grilled Cheese.
- Benefits of vegan wine.
- No bake vegan peanut butter cheezecake.
- New vegan products to look forward to.
So sorry to hear about job stress. After 22 years in radio I had to make a move because of the stress, too. It was taking a toll on my mental and physical health that is for sure. I gave myself Scalp Psoriasis because of it and everything. Thinking of you – for sure! And Dental Pain, too? So very sorry! As for the TJ’s Soy Chorizo – I had that once and enjoyed it. Wish I lived closer to a Trader Joe’s.
Thanks for the comments on my previous posts. I replied. I was posting 2 other blog posts while you were commenting, too.
Hope your week is better this week!
Thank you and you too! 22 years is a long time and a tough choice to make. But so important to make it for your health and happiness! The dental pain is related to the stress, apparently I have started night clenching bad suddenly and it felt like multiple teeth on one side of my mouth needed root canals and/or had abscesses suddenly – I have never had dental pain like that in my life! After an extensive appointment with my dentist and specialist to confirm there is no actual problems, I am on antibiotics and wearing a night guard while patiently waiting for the pain to go away and heal the muscle damage.
I have grinded my teeth for years and I think it’s catching up with me and I’m super afraid to go to the dentist. My old one retired and I have been too nervous. I’m afraid I will be in a similar situation soon. With my GAD I stress about everything these days.
Ugh, I understand that fear with my dental history. I have to force myself because I know I will pay more the longer I put it off with other health issues tied to dental health.
Sorry to hear that you had a rough long week at your job. Hopefully this week will be better for you.
It’s wonderful to read that Miko is doing well health wise and that he is such a good comfort buddy…..dogs are wonderful listeners, cuddle buddies, and givers of unconditional love.
I don’t know if you have heard of (or tried) the vegan chicken sandwiches (and fries) from the LA based Vuture Foods. It seems that they have been traveling around the country during the Covid pandemic and visiting different places to serve their food.
I was able to try their food when they made a stop in FL within a close driving distance from where I live. I enjoyed the sandwiches that I tried, as a comfort food guilty pleasure that I would not usually eat.
Anyway, they will be in Sacramento this Thursday, 2/17
at Conscious Creamery from 4pm to 8pm
if you and your husband would like to eat a guilty pleasure.
This is the Vuture Food Facebook link. https://www.facebook.com/VutureFood/
Enjoy whatever you can and have a better week!
Thank you, that is so sweet! Thank you on Miko, we are very careful to maintain his medication routine and get regular checkups with a cardiac vet to make sure he has a good quality of life. He is such a great companion and always there for us. Thank you for the update on Thursday, I did hear and cursed my work schedule for not being able to get there – ugh! It looked amazing!
So sorry that you’re dealing with stress and dental issues. Thank goodness for sweet Miko and good food. Best wishes to you.
Aw, thank you! Yes, working during these times has been interesting and looking forward to things getting better soon!
Yeah, work stress is the worst! But glad you had a fun Super Bowl party. I confess, I didn’t even watch any of it! In fact, I just found out who won yesterday. I know….Cut dog as always!
It is and especially now with limited resources. I was not into the Super Bowl this year either and rarely am, but a nice excuse to gather with good company and food.
I feel you on the work stress, but I’m so glad you were able to push through and still have fun. You definitely deserve a break!