Miko has been a little frustrated with us this week, he wants more walk time and play time in the warmer weather. But it’s been an intense week at work and my turn to be on call this week. On call weeks are more draining for me even if there’s little to no activity, just […]
Another Solid Turmeric Dressing
These two are looking forward to the weekend and hopefully warmer weather. It’s been in the 20s the last few mornings and evenings which means very frustrated chihuahuas during walk time. I had to dig Miko out of his bed this morning to get out on a walk and he was not a happy camper. […]
Better Turmeric Dressing
Being blind is tough on Leela, she is not adjusting to it well especially since her hearing seems to be going too. She spends a lot of time wandering the house, bumping into walls, and looking for food. I feel like I’m wandering through this week on autopilot. One of those weeks where things are […]
Turmeric Hemp Dressing
Fall might actually be near with highs only in the 80s and lows in the 50s this week, woohoo! And Miko is ready for fireplace snuggling. Soon, buddy! I might even buy pumpkins this weekend, can’t wait! Turmeric is an interesting “superfood” with a lot of promised health benefits. After a quick google, I’m pretty […]
Smokey Cheddar Dressing
Friday is almost here, whew! We’ve been busy with work and home projects here lately and Miko gets frustrated when hubby isn’t paying enough attention to him. He climbs around his lap and does cute little stretching tail-wagging antics to get his attention. And I’m back at it with large meal salads in our hotter […]