Wow, another weekend almost over, what the?! I guess I’m ready for the week. I’ve been bored with my outdoor running routes lately and decided to drive to a trail a couple of miles away. But when I got there, I discovered I forgot my water bottle which is not like me and, of course, […]
Simple Fall Dressing
This has been an interesting week and Miko agrees doing what he can to get more attention around our busy schedules. We’re all looking forward to the weekend and to fall since we’re getting more hints of it here with cooling temps and turning leaves. Fall inspired this simple dressing and this recipe is super […]
Creamy Southwest Dressing
I got giddy when I saw plain Forager Dairy-free Cashewgurt on sale and grabbed two of them without having any clue what I’d do with them. Yeah, I’m terrible with impulse grocery shopping lately, new plant based products are just so exciting. I used one in a smoothie with chocolate protein power and frozen banana […]
Enjoying the Outdoors for the List
Happy Sunday, hope everyone is having a great weekend. We took Friday off for a longer holiday weekend and enjoying some fun and downtime, sweet Miko is enjoying the extra attention. With the cooler temps, I’ve been getting out for longer dog walks and evening runs taking in beautiful scenery and little hints of fall. […]
Getting a Nutritional Check Up
We’re looking forward to the weekend here, sweet Miko has been a little clingy wanting outdoor time in the cooler temps. In my younger years, getting stuck with needles voluntarily was not something I looked forward to which I blame on a few bad experiences donating blood and getting IVs to find out I have […]
Burgers and Adventure for the List
Happy National Dog Day. But every day is dog day here, us dog lovers spoil our dogs all the time. Miko got many long walks this weekend and couch cuddle time. It’s been an interesting week of simple eats that included salads with beans and hummus dressing, oil free veggie tofu stir fries, and simple […]
Fun with Hummus
It’s been a week already, I am ready for the weekend. But we are getting cooler temps finally with temps and breezy! So welcome after weeks of smokey heat. Miko has been just a sweetheart patiently waiting for more weekend time too. And enjoying the warm sheets out of the dryer before I put them […]
Chill for the Weekend List
It is finally not as smokey here, we’re getting blue skies and pretty sunrises for our morning walks, or more morning carries for Leela. Miko has been full of energy lately, ready to play and play in the evenings bringing us multiple toys from his toy box until we start throwing one for him. But […]
Simple Summery Dressing
Happy Wednesday! I know, Friday would be better and it’s getting closer. I have been trying to mix up the variety of food we feed the pups so they get a variety of nutrients too. I’ve always been a fan of V-Dog Kibble and get regular shipments of it and V-Dog Wiggle Biscuits. I’ll rotate […]
Just Hanging for the List
Hello, I hope you’re having a good weekend. I’m a little sad it’s almost over and it was another hot and smokey one from wildfires here. We’ve been spending a lot of time indoors still avoiding the terrible air quality which Miko is a little bummed about, but always happy to cuddle. We did get […]