Leela is still adjusting to the new bed arrangement where I removed the pile of messy blankets and replaced with their cozy cave beds in front of the fireplace, she’s been cuddling up to hubby trying to get her blankets back. I might cave and put the blankets back, but it nice having less bedding to […]
Celebrating Vegan at Animal Place
Poor Leela has been a bit of a clingy, nervous wreck lately stalking me around the house. The rainy weather and beeping refrigerator are getting to her I think. Not for long, the new fridge has been ordered. And I need to collect food coolers from friends and family before delivery day to store food during […]
Race Stressing for the Weekend List
Happy Saturday! Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Me, well, not so much. I am really stressing about a half marathon I’m running tomorrow morning from a combination of issues. The weather is a huge factor, it has been raining, very windy, and stormy here most of this week with flooded areas. Again, great for […]
Weekend List
It’s a little strange walking the dogs and driving to work in the dark mornings now, winter is coming. That’s not a bad thing, I’m ready for cooler weather and really hope we get needed rain here after years of drought! For now weather is perfect for Sunday morning runs, a little cool and overcast. […]
Curried Quinoa One Pot Meal
It’s been a busy week here and poor Miko has been pouting about us not spending enough time with him, he cuddles up to hubby on the couch while giving me the stink eye while I’m running around cleaning, preparing food in the kitchen, etc. Going to work all day is important for buying them […]
Ginger Broccoli Quinoa and Lentils
Happy Tuesday! Okay, I know, but at least it’s not Monday. Trying to come up with a hearty, healthy, and creative dinner after a long day is challenging to say the least. I wrote this recipe on a whim to create a simple, one pot meal and was barely feeling throwing it together after my […]
Weekend List with Cowspiracy
Ah Sunday, our last bit of weekend freedom before going back to work tomorrow. I had a lazy and peaceful morning reading and catching up on office stuff with lazy chihuahuas. Then headed out for a 3 miles run and got some yard work down while I was sweaty, covered in sunblock, and stinky. I […]
Creamy Basil Dressing
Tuesdays aren’t my favorite day of the week. It’s still far from Friday and typically really busy at work and at the gym. It’s a long day that starts early in the morning when I drop the chihuahuas off at their daycare, or my mom’s house, before work and head to a busy gym right […]
Sweet & Spicy Tahini Dressing
Miko has recovered from our dog-sitting weekend and is happy to have hubby’s lap all to himself again. And Smokey is happy to have her favorite red blanket back and not have to hide in our closet. I’m happy to be stocked with a lot of tahini in the pantry, I could eat it […]
Mushroom Avocado Dressing
Thank goodness Friday is almost here, I am ready for this week to end. So is Miko, he’s been pouting for more play time and not happy at us for coming home tired and cranky. I can’t blame him! Smokey is still ready for more attention and to steal Miko’s camera time. I’m ready to […]