Leela is happy for now, she claimed her cozy fireplace bed back from Smokey. And Miko has been eagerly waiting for more play time following me around the house. And I’m working with another new NuNaturals product for this salad dressing recipe – NuNaturals NuStevia Simple Syrup. This is a simple syrup, it only has […]
Creamy Cumin Orange Salad
I’ve finally finished the wrapping and feeling ready for Christmas, mostly since we’re still working out menus. Are you ready? And I’m still focused on healthy recipes since the holidays seem to be just as much about health assaulting foods as love an celebration, work has been flooded with holiday treats and my inbox is […]
Dijon Banana Dressing
Yay, Friday is almost here. These full work weeks after a week of vacation are brutal! I’m already looking at my work calendar to plan another day off…or two. And looking forward to the weekend and hoping we can get a Christmas tree if the weather lets us, it was too rainy last weekend. Miko […]
Winter Squash & Random
Sorry, but this will be a pretty random post because it’s been a crazy week. Work is not slowing down and things always seem a little chaotic and crazy in November anyway, right? There’s preparing for Thanksgiving while reminders are everywhere that Christmas is just around the corner. Shopping and traffic around here already seem […]
Tahini Beet Dressing
It’s actually getting chilly here with temps in the 30s and Smokey is not complaining since she gets to watch a lot of her favorite show. Miko is though, he’s not a fan of cold or rain and gets a little pouty when he can’t have warm lap time. We got a bunch of golden […]
Simple Gooey Curry Dressing
I am back home from the tech conference in the bay area and it is so nice to be back! We left at about 3:30pm on Friday to start the drive home and I got home around 6:30pm after dropping off my co-worker. Can’t complain about that when we were expecting traffic to be much […]
Mushroom Gravy Dressing
I’ve been putting it off for as long as possible, but yesterday I finally had three old fillings redone at the dentist. Glad it’s over and I’ll hopefully never have to worry about them again, but it sucked. And so did the bill. My entire mouth had to be numbed, so I had a smoothie […]
Tomato Cheddar Dressing
I’m here and it’s been a week so far! Lots going on at work with big projects and issues. I’ll spare you the details, but I was actually looking forward to a dentist appointment today because I got to leave work early, like a mini vacation to have my teeth scraped! Hopefully things will settle […]
Sweet Dijon Dressing
I’m still ready for fall. Seriously, come on cooler breezes and turning leaves. And maybe a little rain if we’re lucky. It’s still hot here and poor Skipper is getting tired of it too. We can’t take him for walks during the daytime because it’s still just too hot for the poor old guy who’s […]
Simple Hemp Ginger Dressing
What a day … what a week so far and it’s only Tuesday! The last two days at work have been crazy with fires to put out, meetings, late leaving for lunch, and late leaving for the day. So much going on that I can’t seem to get 5 peaceful minutes to focus on one […]