Today was a wonderfully calm day, perfect after a busy week. We had no specific plans, just went with it. Some of the highlights:
1. I finished watching Hungry For Change, an interesting documentary about the effects of processed food and chemicals on our health.
Overall it was a good documentary with lots of information and interview clips from plant-based diet superstars like Kris Carr, Frank Ferrante, and Joe Cross. At times the material was a little dry and negative with lots of depressing information about the effects of a processed foods-based diet, diet soda, sugar, etc. But it took a positive turn in the 2nd half focusing on good foods and inspirational health stories with testimonials from doctors and professionals.
2. I had a huge kale smoothie for breakfast.
I thought about having pancakes or something a little different for a weekend breakfast, but decided I was really just craving a smoothie and decided to roll with it.
3. Took in the signs of spring in our backyard, like our blooming plum tree.
Thriving cabbage in the garden.
And blossoming broccoli.
4. Played with our crazy cats and dogs who were thrilled that we were home.
5. Feeling inspired by Hungry For Change, I used my juicer to make a huge glass of kale, celery, carrot, ginger, and apple juice to go with lunch.
It tasted a lot better than the color looked!
6. I had a glass of wine, or two, with dinner.
7. And made a Tofurky cabbage stir fry for dinner.
Topped with nutritional yeast, of course.
How was your Saturday?
Your day looks relaxing, and your garden is sooo much further along than ours (things are just starting to wake up for spring here, and all our seedlings are still inside). We had a really quite day followed by a too-eventful evening. We did a rare night out (we’re in money saving mode for a special goal) and went to a concert. A very hot, crowded concert where for the first time in my life I almost passed out. Really scary. Then we got a text from a friend asking if the warehouse building we own was on fire. Luckily it wasn’t, but way too much excitement for one evening!
Thanks and it’s actually been unseasonably warm here prompting the garden growth boom. I’m temped to plant more veggies, but we’ll probably get a freeze if I do. :-P
Wow on your exciting evening! Scary about the concert, I get overwhelmed with packed in crowds and probably would have too! Glad everything turned out okay!
I am so excited Spring is finally coming!! We had a relaxing day yesterday too. Sometimes it feels nice to just lay around :)
So true on down days, they’re needed to catch up and reboot after busy days!
I watched that a couple of weeks ago! After watching several others like Engine 2 Diet and Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead! I hope other documentaries come out like this and SOON! I’m looking forward to Average Joe but haven’t seen it on Hulu+ or Netflix yet. Your juicing looks awesome and the recipe at the end as well! PS Thanks for liking all my photos on Instagram over the weekend! I hope to post a lengthy blog entry this morning-ish
The documentaries are addictive, aren’t they? So easy to keep watching more from the recommended section. Thanks on the juicing, trying to make more time for it, but not easy with my work schedule.