Wow, April is nearly over and I’m okay with that. I’m kind of ready for summer weather with longer days and more outdoor fun. But I’m already worried that the summer heat will be brutal on Leela, she seems to over heat faster in her old age. Sweet hubby upgraded the pet beds with these […]
Earth Day and Eats for the List
Happy Earth Day! But really vegans treat every day like Earth Day, right? Today is also the big ECOS Earth Day Festival in Sacramento and the weather could not be more perfect – sunny and in the 80s. It’s a nice change since it was chilly this week with temps in the 30s in the […]
Non-Dairy Finds & Fun Eats for the List
Another weekend flew by too fast. Maybe not for the pups, they were content to be lazy this weekend. I got out for a run this morning, but it was kind of a crap show with strong winds and allergies flaring up again. At least I got in a few good miles before breaking down […]
12k Race and Birthday Eats for the List
Friday it rained all day, all day. So the pups decided to snuggle inside and stay dry. I did manage to get them out for one walk and Miko protested the entire way, then pouted about being wet when we got home. It’s been a week, but it was nice taking Friday off to spend […]
Happy Easter for the List
Happy Easter and April Fool’s day! What an odd combo. We’re keeping it low-key with a family gathering at my sister’s house where there will be plenty of wine and food I’m sure. Hubby and I went on a mission yesterday to track down the Tofurky vegan ham at Whole Foods, then Sprouts, and there […]
Vegan Corn Beef for the List
I hope you had a good St. Patrick’s Day. I actually remembered to wear my green No Meat Athlete tank to the gym yesterday which is rare. I also finished listening to this Zach Bush episode of the Rich Roll podcast which I highly recommend. It’s a bit over my head with science at times […]
Air Fryer & Amazing Vegan Dinner for the List
Yuck on losing an hour with spring forward this weekend, it would be nice if this whole daylight savings thing just went away. I feel like I’ve lost more than an hour today, but did get in a decent run. Running is going better finally, the breathing issues are getting better and I’m considering getting […]
Treats and a Play Pen for Leela for the List
Hope you’re having a great weekend, I am enjoying it after a tough week. Hubby was on business travel all week and we got rain, lots of rain with freezing temps and crazy winds that wreaked havoc on our fence again. It’s being held up with a bungee cord currently and we need to work […]
Opened Minded for the List
It’s been an odd week and after a few days of freezing temps and frost, I am ready for spring. Ready to see sunlight earlier in the morning, blooms, and warmer weather. Yes, I know, we still need tons of rain. Getting out of bed on week mornings is the biggest challenge for me during […]
Disconnected for the Weekend List
I am fully enjoying our long weekend and having a lazy morning this morning – planning a late run here in a bit then off to a Sacramento Vegetarian Society board meeting and planing for next year’s SacTown VegFest. It’s been an interesting week with hubby on business travel and me getting the house to […]