This seems to be the first official weekend of fall here with temps finally in the 70s and 60s and I am celebrating with a delicious warming and creamy broth for sautéing hearty potatoes and veggies in – Pacific Foods Organic Creamy Plant-Based Zesty Ginger & Turmeric Broth. Also with the Autumn Harvest Bowl and […]
More Fun VCC Eats
Here we are at Sunday again, this week flew by with the finale being our air conditioning deciding to fail last night. Luckily it’s not too hot, but still warm enough in the afternoon to need it which is crazy in October. Not looking forward to a possibly pricey repair, oh well. We did get […]
Fall and Fun for the List
Hello October! I am ready for turning leaves, pumpkins, and cooling temps. And diving into the Sacramento Vegan Chef Challenge! It’s been a busy week here still settling into a new job. Since I travel to multiple sites throughout the day, packing lunches have been a challenge which I’m working on getting more organized for […]
Fun Finds for the List
This week flew by and it’s almost October, Sacramento Vegan Chef Challenge month! And a good month to consider going back to the gym, haha. I got up very early Saturday to be at a nearby ranch at 6am to volunteer for an endurance race a friend was hosting. Basically race participants could choose to […]
Hints of Fall for the List
It is starting to feel like fall this weekend, we got wind, rain, cool temps, and no wildfire smoke. So exiting we picked up pumpkins at Trader Joe’s and opened the windows for that wonderful fresh rain smell. Still eating like a queen for work lunches at Zest Kitchen and Pho Vegan Asian Cuisine as […]
Peace and Bad Air for the List
Happy Sunday, hope you’re having a good weekend. It’s a smoky weekend here due to the Mosquito Fire, snapped this eerie view driving to work Friday, But nothing compared to those impacted by the fire, hopefully it’s under control soon. I am still training and getting settled into the new job and missing Miko with […]
Finding New Normal
Thank you so much for the kind words on Miko, it’s been nearly two weeks and we miss him terribly while the house does not feel the same. I think back to that tough day a lot and tear up. I have found comfort from everyone’s kind words and online support groups for those going […]
Great Eats & Positive Outlook for the List
Here we are at Sunday again, wow. It’s been a good and interesting week, I got a run in one evening taking in the views since it was actually cool enough after work. And Miko has been doing okay, coughing more this week. But he had a vet appointment Friday with X-rays confirming it’s not […]
Eats and Fun for the List
What a week and I am here glad to be over it and have our cute little buddy who has been my sweet work-from-home friend and enjoying his ramp to get up to our bed when he wants. Miko is hanging in there and has another vet checkup this week. He has been good about […]
Where did July Go?
Crazy that July is over, summer is almost over, and this year seems to be flying by. We’re hanging in there, sweet Miko has been coughing more and more challenges giving him his heart medications this week. Ron and I are constantly having to get creative with new foods we can hide his meds in […]