Better Curry Sauce
Ready for Thanksgiving? We are, it will be simple and low-key at our house with my mom and experimenting with new recipes and products. And maybe decorating the house and getting a Christmas tree over the long weekend with lots of relaxing and another family party. Miko is ready for his play date tomorrow with […]
Great Eats and Tough Week for the List
Whew, the pups have the right idea this week. They’ve been extra cuddly and sweet. And I am gonna get in some more couch time myself shortly! I did the SacTown 10-mile race this morning as part of our 100-miles of races challenge this year and I am wiped! That race story will be coming […]
Colorful Plates
Ah, I’m a little sad the long weekend is over. Especially since work has been so frustratingly busy the last few weeks. But back to it and being inside air conditioning is not a bad thing since we’re getting triple digit heat this week already! We usually do not see temps like this until late June, […]
Simple and Fun Stir Fry
With everything going on in the northeast, I almost felt bad about enjoying our perfect weather today … almost. Since hubby is feeling much better, we decided to get out for a bit for a little wine tasting and enjoying the scenery at a winery that is practically in our backyard, Dono dal Cielo. And […]
Field Roast Stir Fry
It’s Friday Eve and that’s all right with me, especially in front of a 3 day weekend. It’s been a busy week and I’ve been in my usual rut of a smoothie for breakfast and packed salad for lunch. With a splurge lunch run to Baagan for a huge kale citrus salad with hubby today. […]
Stir Fried Tempeh
Another weekend gone, yikes! In the spirit of relaxing Sunday, I stuck with a simple staple dinner that’s fast and easy to prepare – a tempeh stir fry. And I used the miso sauce from this tofu stir fry recipe. With chard, onion, orange bell pepper, and broccoli for the veggies – not a bad […]
Fresh & Easy Dinner Night
Since I was flying solo for dinner tonight, my mom and I decided to have a girl’s night and check out the new Fresh & Easy Market that just opened. While we weren’t planning to make it a full shopping trip, we challenged ourselves to scope out the offerings and find something fresh and easy […]
Groggy Dog & Sesame Tofu
Yesterday was a long and stressful day for both Leela, one of our chihuahuas, and I. I knew this has been coming for awhile and trying to avoid it, but Leela has bad teeth. She’s never liked crunchy, teeth cleaning treats and refuses to eat dry dog food or any food that’s supposed to be […]