The summer heat is causing a bit of running burnout for me. That’s pretty typical in June and July here, even running on a treadmill in an air conditioned gym is draining when it’s 100 degrees outside. And Sunday outdoor runs have just seemed sluggish and slower reminding me I need to start getting out before 8 […]
Creamy Garlic Comfort
I think these two are as ready for the long weekend as I am! The weather is supposed to be warm and perfect for sandals, long walks, hikes, and play time! And hopefully play time in the kitchen. For now I have another simple dressing recipe I created for a comforting and hearty kale salad […]
Super Herb Salad
Summer is here with temps in the 90s this week. Ack, already?! Smokey is perfectly happy to soak up the warm sunshine. Leela was not perfectly happy yesterday and decided to pout under the coffee table for some reason. I get it, I have those days weeks too and this might be one of them with […]
Hemp Cheddar Dressing
I gave up on the Cozy Cave beds for the chihuahuas, they just could not get used to the idea of crawling into the cave part and pouted about not having comfy walls the snuggle in when the cave cover was removed. Sheesh, picky and spoiled they are! I got them two OrthoComfort Deep Dish Cuddler […]
Vinegar Tahini Dressing
I am so happy tomorrow is Friday! I’m ready! You? This week I finally watched The Barkley Marathons Documentary on Netflix and what a crazy race! I’ve been putting it off because I thought it would be grueling and tough to watch, but there was actually plenty of fun and humor in the story of how this insane […]
Creamy Ginger Garlic Dressing
When I went vegan … wow, over 6 years ago now, I thought seafood was going to be the toughest to give up. But jeez, watch some of these disturbing seafood videos on and it’s not so hard! Especially when vegan alternatives keep getting more amazing. Hubby was a crab cake fan before going […]
Golden Beet Tahini Dressing
I caved and gave Leela a blanket back for her bed and it’s not working out too well. Every time she leaves the bed, she drags her blanket away and sometimes to the other side of the house. Then pouts at me until I put it back on her bed so she can burrow into […]
Garlic Rosemary Dressing
We are so glad the weekend is almost here after a trying work week! Miko is looking forward to walk time in the perfect weekend weather. And I’m hoping things are quiet at work since I’m on call this weekend because they have not been this week. But I did get time to create a […]
Cauliflower Cheesy Sauce
First thing every morning, I send the chihuahuas to the backyard to do their business and they’re still not happy about the chilly, morning air and can’t wait to come in for breakfast. And I can’t wait for the weekend! It’s been a crazy week and salads are a comfort food for me when things […]
Creamy Spirulina Dressing
I think I’m still adjusting to the time change and losing an hour on a race day last weekend because getting out of bed for work has been tough this week. But Smokey is enjoying the additional sunshine in the evenings. And, oh yeah, it’s St. Patrick’s Day and I have a green recipe for […]