Did you get any eclipse action? I snapped this crappy shot on my phone through eclipse glasses outside of the office while enjoying a fresh air break from work. Miko was not really impressed with it, he just wanted to cuddle after work. Sunday I stepped out for a girl’s lunch with my mom and […]
Simple and Fast for the Weekend List
Wow, another weekend flew by too fast! And Miko was hoping for more walk time this weekend, but enjoyed snooze time in the office with me and hubby and I while watching Ozark and Defenders on Netflix. I did find a new kitchen gadget to try – the Kuhn Rikon Stay Clean Scrubber as an […]
Spicy Kimchi Dressing
Fall must be near because it’s been chilly enough to need a jacket for our morning dog walks this week. Exciting! And Miko would rather hide in his pile of blankets than step outside. This dressing will warm you up with fiery and creamy flare thanks to a fun product hubby found at Costco – […]
Fake Grass and Fun Eats for the List
Sunday night already, boo this weekend flew by too fast! But it was also a productive weekend. We had fake grass professionally installed for half of our backyard last week, the half that is closest to the door – easy for the dogs to get to. And on the side I’ve always had problems maintaining […]
Anniversary Eats
We’re trying to enjoy some downtime this week and relax after crazy times at work. Things are still crazy, but not on call with hours of overtime crazy. But we are having fake grass installed in a large chunk of our backyard this week which I’m so excited about! Drought friendly and will always look […]
Decompressing for the Weekend List
After such a busy week and last weekend working, it’s been nice to decompress a bit this weekend and actually have time to play Zelda on the Nintendo Switch I got for my birthday. My schedule and shopping routine have been seriously out of whack the last few weeks and eats have been an interesting […]
Summery Avocado Dressing
Things have been a little crazy this week, I think I’m still behind from working the weekend and having a tough time with Leela not wanting to take her antibiotics. They’re larger pills that she is being so stubborn with even pill pocket treats aren’t working. However, chopping the pills up into 3 pieces and […]
Working Hard for the List
I am always looking for new ways to reduce our use of disposable plastic products, but freezer bags are the best for storing bananas and other frozen fruits and veggies for smoothies. I try to reuse those for as long as I can, but they don’t wash or wear well with frequent loading and freezing. […]
Creamy Dill Hummus Dressing
Whew, popping in with a quick summer recipe because it’s hot and I am wiped after a busy week so far. Sigh, and I’ll be working some on the weekend too, guess I’ll be thankful for the over time. Sweet Miko is always there to be a buddy at dinner time and ready in case […]
Smokey Hemp Ranch Dressing
Sweet Leela has been very clingy lately following me around the house more and restlessly wondering. Maybe she’s bored, maybe the heat is getting to her, or maybe she just wants more attention. Or more broccoli and carrots because suddenly she’s a huge fan of them too now. You’ll want more of this comforting and […]