Hello and happy Friday eve! I’m ready and ready for the smoke to go away! Things are still pretty smokey here, the morning and evening dog walks are gloomy. Not pretty and so terrible for those really affected by these fires. We’ve been trying to stay inside more and enjoy colorful meal salads, chilled watermelon, […]
The Dog Days and Great Eats for the List
Things are still pretty smokey here and the news of the fires pretty sad. Friday night and Saturday morning was really bad with layers of ash now, so we’ve been spending more time indoors catching up on projects and playing retro video games. Miko is still frustrated with not enough walks. After a breezy night, […]
New Summer Dressing
Yes, California is on fire again and the increasing number of wild fires here every summer and fall is scary. We’re still getting smoked out from the large fires north, the view from our backyard is icky. Climate change is real and scary and my heart aches for those losing homes or worse. Okay, too […]
Simple and Quick for the List
The last few days have been a strange whirlwind here being very busy at work and struggling for motivation to do anything outside of work with the heat and awful smokey air. There aren’t any serious wild fires near us, we’re getting a lot of smoke from the major fires in Northern California now and […]
What We Ate
Whew, this week seems to be flying by and we’ve been flying through fun new dishes and products the last few weeks. One of my favorite weekend breakfasts lately are cheddar grits, but I’m happy with just about any vegan “cheese” melted into grits. Nature’s Path Quick Cook Organic Grits are so simple to cook […]
Birthday Weekend for the List
Whew, where did this weekend go? We’re still looking into a replacement mattress and have not bought anything yet and will probably resume the search next weekend. This weekend was lots of birthday fun for me and laziness for the pups in the heat. In some ways I still have not wrapped my mind around […]
Another Summery Dill Dressing
It’s hot this week with most days over 100 degrees and we’re feeling it. Even though we’re trying to stay in the AC during the hottest times of the day, I just feel more tired and drag more (and sweat more) at the gym. Leela has been sleeping more inside. The heat does strange things […]
Eats & Heat for the List
We need a new mattress, ours is over 10 years old and we can feel it’s age. But oh my on the journey of finding one, it’s overwhelming! There are so many options and extreme price differences that I’m more confused then ever trying to make a good choice, not just comfortable, but eco and […]
Make This Dressing
Miko was not happy with me on this dressing recipe, he didn’t understand why I wouldn’t share. Don’t worry, I shared plenty of carrots and beans with him. But this recipe packs raw garlic which is not good for dogs. But powerfully good for humans compared to cooked garlic. It also has raw ginger and […]
The 4th & Great Eats
As fun as the 4th can be, I am glad it’s over. I guess fireworks aren’t as exciting as I get older and I hate what they do to the dogs more. Leela used to be terrified and was a nervous wreck during fireworks. Now that she’s older, blind, and mostly deaf, she doesn’t notice […]