Ugh, we are melting here with a high of 110 degrees. The weather has been so strange this week, but triple digits every day for the next 10 days is a little depressing. It was already hot when I got up at 6:30 am this morning and had to get Miko out on a long […]
Tough Week for the List
Whoa, August already. Seems like months are blending together, but that’s just 2020 I guess. It has been a turbulent week here. A couple of weeks ago, Miko started showing symptoms of coughing more when drinking water and gagging sometimes. I did some research and found this is common for small dogs often caused by […]
Garden Progress for the List
We’re still focusing on our garden during these crazy times and made a little progress this week around busy work schedules and triple digit heat. The starter plants are outgrowing the AeroGarden seed starter tray, so hubby finished up the drip sprinkler system on one of the garden beds to start relocating plants to – […]
New Garden for the List
To get through these interesting times, we decided to shift our focus to our backyard and make it more of an outdoor getaway and garden. We have a large side yard that had low wooden garden beds and fruit trees. But maintaining the ground around proved to be a challenge over the last couple of […]
Getting Out for the List
Happy Memorial Day weekend! It is so nice to have a long weekend, but we won’t be joining crowds at beaches, lakes, or malls even though things are starting to open back up here. I feel much more comfortable going for a run or dog walk outdoors and taking in the sights. It was great […]
More Sheltering for the List
And it’s getting old, right? The blahs are getting real this week with more of the same. There are still lots of outdoor runs and Miko snuggling. And I had to take a break during this morning’s run to let angry geese clear the path. Don’t mess with angry geese! But we’ve been doing more […]
Still Sheltering for the List
Thank you for all the sweet comments on Leela, it’s not easy losing a family member. It’s been another interesting week of mostly working from home and trying not to obsess over the news and focus on the positives such as beautiful running weather and grazing goats. And cuddly, sleepy buddies. Oh, and successful deal […]
Sad News for the List
We have sad news this week, our sweet Leela passed away. And it has been sad and strange without her since. It was not a surprise, we’ve known it was coming for a long time now, but it was still painful and tough with everything going on. I really miss our routine of caring for […]
Still Here for the List
How are you doing? Hard to believe we’re going on week 5 of our shelter in place order, I feel like I’m forgetting what normal was before this. But I do get to head into the office tomorrow and looking forward to it. Lots of Miko cuddles and sunset runs have been helping to get […]
Strange, Strange Times for the List
This has been an odd week as I’m sure it has been for you too. Even busier at work preparing those who can work from home to work from home, being short handed, and trying to not let the anxiety get to me or my team. I have stopped going to the gym until this […]