Wow, another weekend flew by too fast! And Miko was hoping for more walk time this weekend, but enjoyed snooze time in the office with me and hubby and I while watching Ozark and Defenders on Netflix. I did find a new kitchen gadget to try – the Kuhn Rikon Stay Clean Scrubber as an […]
Weekend List w/ New Tofu & Protein
It’s been a relaxing weekend so far here, lots of lounging around and Leela burying herself in blankets. And great eats this week. I have been focusing on adding more beans to my diet lately and mainly in salads and soups thanks to inspiration from Dr. Greger. And canned organic beans are cheaper than tofu, […]
Vegan Veggie Scramble
Miko has his favorite toy back, all is right in the world. Leela is not so much into toys, but she has been into raw broccoli lately and comes running to the kitchen as soon as I start chopping it. I’ve mentioned this chopper before, but the Zyliss Easy Pull Chopper is just awesome for […]
Feeling Spring for the Weekend List
Smokey seems to think she runs the house, don’t all cats? Poor Miko was just trying to have a nap snuggled in his favorite couch blanket. When Smokey decides it’s her bed now. Thankfully Miko is a good sport about it and willing to share. It’s been an interesting week here, for a short work […]
Weekend List
So far it’s been a glorious long Valentine’s/President’s Day weekend with temps in the 70s and sunny weather. Granted, that fact that it’s so warm and sunny in February here is scary! But might as well enjoy it, right? Hubby has been surprising me with lots of fun little Valentine’s goodies like flowers. And one huge one […]