So much I want and need to do and so little time, that seems to be a trend this week and I hate that. The poor pups get clingy and I feel guilty for not getting them out on long enough walks before rushing to work in the mornings. I’m looking forward to more weekend […]
Turmeric Hemp Dressing
Fall might actually be near with highs only in the 80s and lows in the 50s this week, woohoo! And Miko is ready for fireplace snuggling. Soon, buddy! I might even buy pumpkins this weekend, can’t wait! Turmeric is an interesting “superfood” with a lot of promised health benefits. After a quick google, I’m pretty […]
Summery Avocado Dressing
Things have been a little crazy this week, I think I’m still behind from working the weekend and having a tough time with Leela not wanting to take her antibiotics. They’re larger pills that she is being so stubborn with even pill pocket treats aren’t working. However, chopping the pills up into 3 pieces and […]
Tahini Thai Basil Pesto
I am screwed up this week between taking a few days off for camping last week, working Monday, then having yesterday off – what day is it? I’ll get back on schedule eventually here and caught up on sleep, having the 4th of July on a week night is kind of annoying when firework shows […]
Better Thousand Island Dressing
I am ready for Friday after this week and I think Leela is too since she’s been getting antibiotic doses twice daily to prepare for her teeth cleaning next week. Sweet Miko always shows up for her medicine time too to make sure she’s okay. This salad dressing could be considered a medicine too because […]
Simple Meal Inspiration
This has been a busy week already and it’s only Tuesday. I haven’t been motivated to get creative in the kitchen yet this week with so much and sticking to keeping things simple and healthy. Like this tofu and cabbage saute with onions and broccoli, seasoned with tamari sauce, fresh grated ginger, and minced garlic. […]
Summer Dijon Dressing
Happy virtual Friday to me because I am taking tomorrow off! Okay, mainly to get adult stuff done before the holiday weekend running errands, having car maintenance done, and taking this sweet girl to the vet. She needs another teeth cleaning and I hope that’s still an option at her age of 13 and for some […]
Tahini Roasted Eggplant
It’s been hot here the last few days and Miko knows how to spend hot days – snuggled in his favorite blanket enjoying the air conditioning! I plan on spending similar time for the long weekend ahead! Eggplant has always been a challenge to prepare for me, frying attempts in the past has resulted in […]
Garlic Avocado Sauce or Dressing
I am curious and hopeful about the benefits of garlic, specifically raw garlic. The platelet and cardiac benefits outlined by Dr. Greger here are very attractive for long term health. Not only is it great for the heart and blood flow, it also fights cancer. But raw garlic is strong, very strong. This simple avocado […]
Smokey and Light Cheezy Sauce
Leela and I seem to be on the same page this week – we’d prefer hiding in soft, warm blankets all day. Only she actually gets to do it. Rough life. That’s okay, I get to enjoy this creamy, savory, and smokey cheezy sauce. There are tons of vegan cheese sauce recipes out there, so […]