We are getting lots of wind and rain over the next few days and not complaining! Miko has been very happy to snooze in warm blankets and on warm laps instead of facing the strong wind outside. When not sleeping, he’s ready on his dining “podium” to share meals with me and really into the […]
Wild Weather for the List
As you may have heard, we are getting just a little bit of rain this weekend – it has pretty much been downpouring with lots of wind since last night and we’ve spent the entire day indoors. Not complaining, it’s much needed! Miko has been very frustrated about no walks today and not even wanting […]
Working the Vegan Chef Challenge for the List
What a week it has been, I was glad to get to the weekend and now sad it’s over. I think Miko is too, he’s been enjoying lazy mornings and movie cuddle time. Last Sunday we headed out for a hike to get in fresh air in the cooler weather and it was wonderful, so […]
Fall Ready for the List
It keeps inching towards cooler weather here and we’re all for it! Especially being able to take Miko out on more adventures with safer, cooler weather for him. He has been very happy to be a sweet couch potato and embrace the cooler weather for long walks. Things are still very busy at work and […]
Simple and Fun Eats for the List
I am sad this weekend is over already looking at another busy work week, but it’s been a great weekend of cooler temps and reminder that fall is near. Miko has been such a sweet little buddy and doing okay, he still seems to be coughing more, but breathing rate seems to be okay. I […]
Many Great Eats for the list
Hope you’re having a good weekend, it’s not as hot here with okay air quality finally which means lots of walks for Miko. Can’t wait until it’s cool enough to take him on more adventures locally. Miko is doing okay, he has started coughing more which is concerning and the cardiologist he saw in April […]
Smoky Anniversary Weekend for the List
Another weekend flew by too fast after a strange, long week. We have been lucky with all the wildfires in the area to have decent air quality, but that changed this week with a wind shift causing a few days of frustratingly bad air quality and poor Miko not happy about missing walks. He is […]
Forty Something for the List
Hello, it’s been a quiet and hot weekend here with eerie full moon shots looking very bright on Friday and creepy and red last night from smoke. We’ve been keeping cool inside with Miko who has been such a sweet, cuddly guy. He seems to be doing okay on all of his heart medications which […]
Back to It for the List
June already? Whoa. I am trying to get back to a healthier place after a tough year and decided to get back to the gym this weekend because finding drive and motivation for home workouts has been increasingly tough lately. It was an interesting experience working out with a mask on, but nice to get […]
Long Weekend Eats for the List
Happy Memorial Day weekend! It’s been a lazy one here relaxing at home and trying to stay cool and keep Miko cool when it’s supposed to be over 100 degrees tomorrow! It’s been an interesting and busy week, I am still working on coming out of the blah pandemic shell after a sad and tough […]