We’re still ticking along here with three dogs since a lost rat terrier decided to move in with us Friday. My mom sweetly watched all three dogs today while I was at work and getting them loaded into the car or just out for a walk is an ordeal! Hubby and I have been calling […]
Tuscan Avocado Dressing
Friday is almost here, finally! It’s been a long week here with lots going on at work and in life in general. And I had a conflicted vegan moment today because it’s the first day of our local summer farmer’s market and I really wanted to stop by after work. But I got a farm […]
Chia Marinara Sauce
The last two days have been interesting with temps above 100 degrees here, we’ve been doing as much as we can indoors and trying not to melt! If this post seems a little off, I might be slightly delirious from the heat, sorry. But we get a break from it tomorrow and I’m looking forward […]
Avocado Basil Dressing
Miko goes through toys, lots of toys, and usually by ripping holes in them so big a sewing machine can’t save them. He even brings his toys to bed and pouts when he leaves them in the backyard until we open the door so he can go get it. He’s a happy camper with his […]
Sun Dried Tomato Pesto
Monday is almost over, whew! And happy Earth Day! Doing anything special to celebrate? Not me … besides being a vegan, driving an electric car, and composting. :-) Composting is an interesting adventure that can be messy and take up a lot of space, but LifeHacker posted a super easy method to create instant compost […]
Creamy Tofu Pesto
Happy Halloween! I’m writing this post in between many trips to the front door handing out candy and checking out some really cute costumes … like a fairy/butterfly on inline skates. Yesterday I was so busy catching up on house work, mowing the lawn so kids could find our house, relaxing, and playing with dogs […]
Tofu Pesto Squash Skillet
Leela and I are doing much better today, she was back to her old begging self around dinner time. And I’m looking forward to a nice, long run to a new playlist shortly to blow off a little steam. Still feeling a little fried and already looking forward to the weekend, but better news about […]