We’ve gone from winter to summer with a high in the 90s today and the pups are in full lazy summer mode already. The heat did not stop me from roasting sweet potatoes in the oven, especially when the recipe is kicky and sweet without oil. Kicky Maple Roasted Sweet Potatoes 2 large sweet potatoes […]
Roasted Curry Chickpeas
I love chickpeas in just about all forms, I could probably eat them daily and not get tired of them. And that’s what I’m doing this week since I slow cooked an entire 25 oz. bag to use during the week. And it makes a lot! Perfect for fast salads, stir fries, and even pet […]
Savory Oatmeal with Bok Choy
When I want to try something new, I tend to order way too much of it. I decided I wanted to try adding oatmeal to smoothies and getting crazy with recipes, easy and fast recipes. So I ordered a six pack of this Nature’s Path Organic Quick Oats. Thank goodness for large pantries! I was […]
Cayenne Lemon Quinoa
Ah, Friday is almost here! I am looking forward to a more laid back and productive weekend with great weather and no races planned. Miko is ready for long walks and play time. I don’t know why it took me so long to try toasting hemp seeds because they came out great in this quinoa […]
Tahini Roasted Eggplant
It’s been hot here the last few days and Miko knows how to spend hot days – snuggled in his favorite blanket enjoying the air conditioning! I plan on spending similar time for the long weekend ahead! Eggplant has always been a challenge to prepare for me, frying attempts in the past has resulted in […]
Roasted Dill Potatoes
Apparently I have been a drag this week because these two have been stalking me around the house waiting for something exciting to happen. It’s true, I’ve been an allergy-suffering zombie ever since I ran the Parkway Half Marathon last weekend. I have never dealt with allergies like this, my eyes have been itchy and puffy […]
Smoky Roasted Potatoes
The last few days have been a drag for the pups, not enough walks with all the wind and rain. There has been a lot of pouting. And nasty looks. For some reason I have become obsessed with smoky flavors with all the rain, there’s something savory and comforting about a hot, smoke-seasoned dish. Where […]
Sriracha Kale Chips
I’m ashamed to say it’s been a long time since I’ve used our Excalibur Food Dehydrator, over a year maybe! I had to dig it out of the back corner of our pantry for this recipe. But I got inspired with this lovely bunch of fresh kale we got in our farm box. And after […]
Roasted Oil Free Golden Beets
I am finally starting to feel “normal” again after over a week of the flu, but getting back to the gym has been tough with a cough still sticking around. The sweet chihuahuas have been very patient despite the lack of walks during my sick time and now rain, poor guys. Smokey has been happy […]
Veggie Ginger Rice
The pups are a little annoyed with me and the weather, it’s been windy and raining the last two days. That’s great, we need it in California! But even Leela won’t step outside when wind gusts rush inside as soon as I open the door. Thankfully we get a break in the rain tonight and […]