Where to start for this week, it’s been a very tough rollercoaster with a lot of sadness and uncertainty for moving forward. One of the biggest sources of sadness this week is Miko. He is still here and snuggled in his office bed with me, but wouldn’t be if I took a vet’s recommendation this week.
On Monday coming back from a walk, Miko stopped in our driveway and suddenly fell over. I rushed to him and picked his limp body up and felt his heart beating and he slowly started to become responsive. He fainted or had a syncope episode. I was already aware this is a common issue for dogs with his heart condition from spending a lot of time in support groups for it, but it’s the first time he’s ever had it.
I attempted to make a vet appointment the next morning, but his primary vet is booked until next month and put us on a cancelation list. Ugh! I reached out to the emergency/specialist vet where he had an echocardiogram appointment for later this month and was able to move it up to Thursday when I explained what happened.
When I checked him in for the appointment, the vet called expressing concern for his rapid heart rate and atrial fibrillation, they wanted to attempt to slow it down and steady his heart rhythm in an oxygen chamber with medication before the echocardiogram. This was very frustrating and scary especially since the vet is still in COVID-19 mode and not allowing pet parents inside.
The update 30 minutes later is they’d like to keep him for a few hours to monitor him and continue to try and slow down and steady his heart rhythm because they still have not been able to. I am horrified, sad, and freaking out. I headed back home hoping for a positive update.
The vet calls at 8:15 PM with the update that they still have not been successful and can attempt to keep him hospitalized overnight to monitor him on new medication, but they are doubtful it will be successful and I need to consider letting him go. Those words hit me badly, basically I was being told to leave the poor guy scared and alone in a hospital overnight and allow them to let him go in the morning if there had been no improvements because there is nothing else they could do for his heart. Oh, the costs for the echocardiogram and tests for them to tell me this is insane.
I decided to pick him up that night with the new afib medication prescribed with all the other medications he’s on and keep him home with us. Currently he appears to be doing okay, not suffering, his energy and appetite fluctuate, but he did enjoy a walk yesterday and coughing has not been bad. And has not had another fainting episode. I am trying to decide if it would be beneficial to get another opinion, but it could be months before I could get an appointment with a different vet cardiologist and it appears we’re on our own making the best of the time we have. A lot of struggle this week with work stress and other big personal decisions and having to face losing our buddy and not being able to get help for him has been awful. Since his diagnosis nearly 2 years ago and this evolving journey, I knew a sad time was coming. But that has not made it easier to prepare for with the ups and downs and focusing on being optimistic. He’s here now and we’re trying to make the most of that.

Eats have been typical this week, salads, beans and rice, tofu rice noodle stir fry, and a curry sauté.

I scored a great deal on BBQ tofu at Grocery Outlet, so I have a fridge full of it now and have been using it in stir fries. Also found cheap cans of organic refried black beans and used that in a spinach quesadilla. Oh, and Miyoko’s Liquid Vegan Mozz for a delicious pizza last night.

Grocery Outlet also had deals on CLO CLO frozen vegan meals this week, so I grabbed one of each. The Mac and Cheeze was awesome. So was a new Mother Raw Organic Plant-Based Japanese dressing I tried.

And more CLO CLO meals because it’s been nice to have simple meal options with everything else going on.

Not the most healthy week, but that’s okay as we’re taking it day-by-day and hoping for a better week next week starting with the list.
- What to avoid and look for in vegan skin care.
- Chic vegan handbags.
- This vegan Italian Taralli sounds wonderful.
- Best vegan iron supplements.
- Vegan pasta salad recipes.
- Instant Pot vegan red beans and rice recipe.
- Need to try this vegan smoothie bowl.
- Tabitha Brown shares weeknight vegan tips.
- Inspiring vegan food bloggers.
- Macadamia nut banana pancakes.
- Best vegan egg substitutes.
I am so very sorry to read this. Nothing can prepare us for something like this and it’s clear that you’re doing everything that you can to make Miko’s life as happy and comfortable as possible. He’s so fortunate to have you. Sending positive and healing thoughts to you all.
Thank you and it’s so true, we can never prepare for this.
I’m so sorry the vet didn’t allow you to be with Miko during his evaluation! That is so ridiculous. I’m sure you are V and would wear a mask and it’s just so unfair to that poor dog facing this alone! A dog needs their human by their side! And I know, there’s no easy answer, I’ve faced tough bills too with vets, it’s just not a good situation. I hope somehow sweet Miko gets better!
Thanks and it is frustrating as they would allow some in with masks in moderation, but it seems like it’s time to update their COVID-19 safety measures. Miko is doing okay so far, about the same as a week ago and hanging in there.
My eyes filled with tears reading this. For Miko and for the both of you. I feel like over the years I’ve gotten to know Miko (and YOU!) eventho I we have never met face to face. I’m so very sorry to hear about the current situations. It’s so hard – even more now with COVID protocols at the vets offices. I’m so very sorry. I’ll be checking in often to see how things are going. Thinking/Praying for you all!
Thank you, you’re so sweet and a close friend for me as well. It is hard, thankfully Miko is doing okay and enjoying his walks and cuddles. He’s going to a family party tonight with other dogs which will hopefully be safe for him, I know he loves the company.
I am so sorry to hear about Miko’s situation. on the positive side, I am happy to hear that he is still thriving with you, and has not had another “passing out” episode and has been his usual “normal” aside from some energy and apatite flucuations.
Sometimes Veterinarians don’t always have the right answers and the pet parents know the pet better than the Vets. It is good that you decided to take Miko home. Miko probablyy feels much safer and happier with his family. He was probably nervous and scared in the vet. hospital….no wonder his heart rhythm would not “normalize”.
I’ve been in similar situations with vet. hospitals not allowing pet parents being allowed in with their pets (both emergency and non-emergency vet. hospitals due to Covid regulations. Perhaps another vet opinion may help, but as you mentioned, it could take a while to get an appointment…….or you could be in the same situation after spending more money (I’ve been there, done that too……our cat ended up passing away, without any treatment….only tests being done.
By the way, is there any dietary ways that you could help Mikos heart conditions, like not feeding him high fat foods or foods that will specifically be beneficial for his heart and overall health?
Spoil Miko and enjoy everyday with him. I will keep Miko in my prayers and I hope that Miko, you, and your husband have a better and healthy week (and a lot of time together).
Thank you so much for the kind words. So far no more passing out episodes and he does not appear to be in discomfort as the vet suggested. Very true on vets, they don’t have the same relationship with Miko and he was probably very nervous and stressed throughout the situation.
Yes on dietary measures and supplements for Miko, the biggest things are to reduce sodium and foods high in wet fiber are good to counter the medication side effects and keep things, uh, moving. He eats a lot of cooked sweet potato and carrot treats and also loves raw bell pepper treats. He is on some other heart supplements and natural herbs such as hawthorn which can help as well.
We do spoil him, lots of walks on his terms and he’s going to a family party tonight which I know he’ll love seeing everyone.
I stumbled across your blog because I’m desperately trying to figure out what to make for dinner (again) and ended up going back through several weeks to get the backstory on Miko. That poor little guy! And poor you. What a hard situation. It sounds like you’re doing everything right and treasuring this time you have with him. I hope you’re all having a good week.
And, all your food looks delicious!
Thank you so much for the kind words, Miko is still here and we are treasuring every moment with him and spoiling him. He has not had another passing out episode and still enjoys his walks.