I’m feeling better after a bumpy week. Thanks for the sweet well wishes on my dad, he is doing better and we’ll be making a trip to visit him later this week. So I may not get an opportunity to post again until the weekend. Smokey is not interested in drama, she is more interested snoozing around the house and waking me up before my alarm for breakfast time.
Poor Miko went to the vet again today for a cracked dew claw. Not sure how it happened, but I noticed on Sunday he was obsessed with licking his paw and not letting us get near it.
When I did get a look, it was cracked at the base partially dangling with exposed nerve. Poor guy! And apparently can be a common problem for active dogs. The vet removed the claw with medication to ease the pain and he’s on pain medicine and an antibiotic for the next few days to make sure he doesn’t get an infection.
Our AeroGarden is blowing up with salad greens, from seed to this in 21 days!
We gotta start harvesting soon which means more dressing recipes! This is a total comfort creation with creamy and tangy flavor. Yeah, it’s another variation of vegan ranch dressing with blended hemp seeds, but I never get tired of healthier vegan ranch dressings – always good without the crap in the store bought stuff. This recipe is loaded with raw garlic, apple cider vinegar, and herbs blended with superfood hemp seeds as the base.
Hemp Vegan Ranch Dressing
- ½ cup shelled hemp seeds (or hemp hearts)
- 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
- ½ tsp. onion powder
- ½ tsp. dried parsley
- ½ tsp. dried dill weed
- 1 small clove of garlic
- 2 tbsp. nutritional yeast
- ½ cup water as needed
- salt and pepper to taste
Place all ingredients into a high speed blender and blend to a smooth and creamy texture. Serve and enjoy! Makes 2-4 servings.
This also has the potential to be a thick dip with less water. You could even substitute the hemp seeds with avocado for a lighter version.
I coated a kale tofu meal salad to kick start the week with a super dinner.
The flavor is very tangy ranch with a creamy texture and lively garlic herb flavor.
Treat yourself with this vibrant blend of comforting flavor and nutrients.
I’m so happy to hear that your dad is doing better and that you’re feeling better, but poor little Miko! That has to hurt.
I’m looking forward to more dressing recipes. This one sounds delicious!
Thanks, I felt so bad for the poor guy and too worried I’d hurt him more if I tried to take care if it myself.
I have still yet to try nutritional yeast… I saw it at the health food store yesterday and ALMOST grabbed some, but didnt know what to do with it! Wish I had seen your recipe before! Grrrr… – http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
Nutritional yeast is a great, versatile source of protein and B-12 that has a savory, cheesy flavor. It’s great as a topping for just about any savory dish and blended into creamy dressings and sauces. I go through a jug a month lately.
So cool! I used to share an Aerogarden with my mom when I lived with my folks, and it really was fun to grow food right on the kitchen counter. I know she’s not using it anymore, so maybe I can sneak it back home with me next time I visit. I’m jealous of your verdant greenery!
The AeroGarden is a lot of fun, you should grab it!