This has not been an easy week, a lot of stress with being sick, fretting about not being ready to run a half marathon Sunday, busy work days, and sinus headaches. I’ve decided to run the half anyway even if my time is terrible and I succumb to walking much of it with pounding sinus […]
Marinated Zucchini Noodles
We’re still recovering from a cold that was apparently passed around my family. I’m feeling much better, but poor hubby isn’t and is even rocking a fever today. But he has a little lap buddy and iPad games to the rescue! While waiting for my symptoms to go away, I got to experiment with another […]
Tempeh Stuffed Pepper
Tempeh is my current favorite post-workout dinner. Especially after another intense 3 mile run pushing my pace and incline. I’m usually craving protein and and something hearty after a serious sweat session. But not something hot in our extreme, triple-digit heat this week! Tonight I decided to use tempeh in a quick, semi-raw stuffed pepper […]
Creamy Summer Salad
This has been a challenging week already at work, things aren’t slowing down with our workload being over double what it was just a few months ago. I’m thankful, but stressed just a bit. And living off of smoothies, leftovers, and simple salads the last few days while cramming in gym time and the “to […]
Mint Hemp Seed Chutney
I am so happy the weekend is almost here, this week has been rough at work and home with a house full of chihuahuas watching my mom’s chihuahua while she’s on vacation. Things have not exactly been peaceful here, they squabble over getting our attention, dinner, treats, and beds. Miko has been claiming the new […]
Curry Fava Bean Salad
Doesn’t Smokey look so comfy? She just loves my pillow and never misses an opportunity to make make herself at home on it when I forget to make the bed further reminding me that I’m out of my game this week still recovering from a bladder infection and slightly goofed up on antibiotics. Ugh, I’ve […]
New Wallet & Marinara Stew
I’ve been meaning to replace my old wallet for awhile now. It’s old, not vegan since I got it as a gift in my non-vegan days, and is bulky and heavy. I browsed many options on Etsy, but did not find anything that grabbed me. Then I came across Haiku branded bags and purses on […]
Mexican Quinoa Salad
After another long day at work, I got to decompress watching this little maniac race around the house with his over-sized cow toy flopping around. And that toy gets heavy when it’s saturated with dog slobber, I know because he likes to do flying leaps onto my back with it while I’m doing plank exercises. […]
WIAW with Raw Stuffed Peppers
Happy What I Ate Wednesday! I mostly remembered to get pics of everything today and that’s something considering how this week has been! Breakfast – My usual green monster smoothie-to-go which disappeared on the drive to work. Kale, sprouted lentils, vanilla pea protein, carrots, Vitamineral Green, apple, frozen banana chunks, and a few drops of […]