Aw, it’s finally getting cooler here, well highs in the 90s which I’ll happily take after 110 last week! And I can take the dogs for multiple walks today! Well, part walk and part carry for Leela. She tires out and needs breaks during longer walks at her age, so I carry her for a […]
Super Hemp Basil Dressing
Oh my goodness, this week and crazy heat wave are almost over! Today was the record temp finale for this scary weather and I felt it even working out at the gym. The last part of my treadmill run degraded into more walking intervals and a slower pace because allergies and the heat started getting […]
Getting Serious Heat
I am slogging through this week our heat wave and it’s only Tuesday. My car was reading 112 degrees when I left work yesterday. Fun, right? When we were at Costco Saturday, we found a great deal on a 2-pack of Tekeya 40 oz insulated bottles – less than the retail price of one! And […]
Keeping Cool for the List
It’s been hot this weekend, today’s high is 107 degrees! Our high temps will be in the triple digits all week so I’m making sure all of my lighter work pants are clean and ready doing tons of laundry. Living in this kind of heat is not all bad as long as there’s working AC. […]
Better Thousand Island Dressing
I am ready for Friday after this week and I think Leela is too since she’s been getting antibiotic doses twice daily to prepare for her teeth cleaning next week. Sweet Miko always shows up for her medicine time too to make sure she’s okay. This salad dressing could be considered a medicine too because […]
Getting Inspired by Marc S. Wood
Last night hubby and I headed to Zest Kitchen to be inspired by Marc S. Wood, a plant-based coach from New York City. While waiting for his presentation to begin, we started dinner with Revive Craft Cola Redux Kombucha. It’s probably my favorite flavor since I gave up soda years ago, but sometimes miss the […]
Stevia and Better Eats for the List
I have been a bad blogger this week, I failed to write a veggie burger post for national veggie burger day and didn’t even have a veggie burger! And I didn’t run or write about running on national running day! I know. My excuse is I’ve just been busy with work and I think veggie […]
Cayenne Lemon Quinoa
Ah, Friday is almost here! I am looking forward to a more laid back and productive weekend with great weather and no races planned. Miko is ready for long walks and play time. I don’t know why it took me so long to try toasting hemp seeds because they came out great in this quinoa […]
Simple Meal Inspiration
This has been a busy week already and it’s only Tuesday. I haven’t been motivated to get creative in the kitchen yet this week with so much and sticking to keeping things simple and healthy. Like this tofu and cabbage saute with onions and broccoli, seasoned with tamari sauce, fresh grated ginger, and minced garlic. […]
Vegan Festival & Women’s Fitness Festival 10k
It has been a busy weekend, in a good way. Maybe not for Leela, she has been a couch potato most of the weekend enjoying her blanket. Even dragging it into the kitchen when she jumped out of bed for dinnertime. I had a simple, post gym dinner Thursday of veggies and tofu sauteed in […]