It’s official, I’m 40. And not bothered by it. I am a little about going back to the grind tomorrow after 4 fabulously fun days of celebrating. I took Thursday and Friday off just to have a long weekend to play. It started Wednesday night with hubby making this great green curry veggie dish for […]
Silent Scenes from the California State Fair
Birthday Week Fun
I’m not 40 yet, but having a little fun starting the celebration this week. Miko, as always, has been the sweetest lap buddy. He and Leela got new padded Kong collars because his old one was getting a little ratty and I noticed it seemed to irritate his neck last week. So they’re both styling […]
Summer Fun for the Weekend List
Hello and happy Sunday. I am am sitting here drinking coffee and trying to prep myself for an early run and dog walk before it gets too hot because today’s high will be 108. It’s been an interesting week month so far. Typically July is a great month for me even though it’s hot as […]
Savory Oatmeal with Bok Choy
When I want to try something new, I tend to order way too much of it. I decided I wanted to try adding oatmeal to smoothies and getting crazy with recipes, easy and fast recipes. So I ordered a six pack of this Nature’s Path Organic Quick Oats. Thank goodness for large pantries! I was […]
Simple Eats Inspiration
Leela and I seem to be on the same page this week after a quiet, hot weekend and back to the grind. The heat hits her hard, so she enjoys more rest time. Not Miko, he’s ready for an indoor party with his stinky toy. I gotta wash that again. Eats have been interesting so […]
Sweating It for the Weekend List
Sigh, it’s hot again this weekend. High of 107 degrees yesterday and the pups are feeling it. After our long morning walk before the heat kicked in, they were happy to crash all day in the air conditioning. I pretty much did too after a strange week, I’m still getting back on schedule after camping […]
Tahini Thai Basil Pesto
I am screwed up this week between taking a few days off for camping last week, working Monday, then having yesterday off – what day is it? I’ll get back on schedule eventually here and caught up on sleep, having the 4th of July on a week night is kind of annoying when firework shows […]
South Lake Tahoe Camping
Sometimes it’s nice to disconnect a little and get lost in nature with good company and that’s what we’ve been doing the last few days camping with family in South Lake Tahoe. I love that Lake Tahoe is just over a 2 hour drive away, but worlds different in scenery and weather. We started the […]
Stuff We Ate
I am really enjoying the cooler weather here after over a week of triple digit heat, I can take the dogs for evening walks without worrying about their feet! And summer dusk is just gorgeous, isn’t it? Sweet Miko has been enjoying his hooded cuddle be more lately – after over a year of having […]