Another weekend flew by too fast, ugh. Not for Leela, she’s been happy to enjoy our cooler fall weather snuggled in blankets. Rough life. I’ve been enjoying more turmeric smoothies this week with Garden Of Life’s Vanilla Raw Protein and Greens, frozen banana, fresh ginger, carrots, kale and broccoli. And I had an interesting comfort […]
Hemp Taco Dressing
So much I want and need to do and so little time, that seems to be a trend this week and I hate that. The poor pups get clingy and I feel guilty for not getting them out on long enough walks before rushing to work in the mornings. I’m looking forward to more weekend […]
Getting Race Ready for the List
Blah, I am feeling a little cranky today and not sure why, I shouldn’t be. It’s been an okay week and productive weekend. And sweet Miko has been extra cuddly and sweet looking forward to TV lap time. And being a sleepy office buddy while I sort through and shred old paperwork. Maybe all of […]
Roasted Curry Chickpeas
I love chickpeas in just about all forms, I could probably eat them daily and not get tired of them. And that’s what I’m doing this week since I slow cooked an entire 25 oz. bag to use during the week. And it makes a lot! Perfect for fast salads, stir fries, and even pet […]
Ready for Fall for the List
We’re bummed another weekend is almost over, so much I want and need to do and not enough time. Miko is especially bummed because he likes the extra play time with us home more. We did get to more yard work with the weather being cooler finally, hubby put these awesome solar lights in our […]
Turmeric Hemp Dressing
Fall might actually be near with highs only in the 80s and lows in the 50s this week, woohoo! And Miko is ready for fireplace snuggling. Soon, buddy! I might even buy pumpkins this weekend, can’t wait! Turmeric is an interesting “superfood” with a lot of promised health benefits. After a quick google, I’m pretty […]
Great Race for the List
Whoa, where did the weekend go already? It’s been a good weekend, productive and I had a great 10-mile race yesterday and great run at the gym today. Friday night I made a simple pre-race dinner of curried lentils and quinoa with veggies, quinoa or any simple grain dish seems to be a great pre-race […]
Getting Back To Normal
I am still trying to get back to some sort of schedule for recipe creation, but it’s been tough the last few weeks with a lot of chaos. Oh well, soon. After insane triple digit heat and smoke over last weekend, it was in the 80s with a breeze today! We might actually get fall! […]
Lazy for the Long Weekend List
I have just been lazy and running late the last week with posts, I blame the heat and just feeling overall drained after dealing with triple-digit temps for over a week now. I am really enjoying our long weekend, we took Friday off too and I’m not sure I’m ready to go back to work […]
Surviving the Heat
Ugh on the heat here this week, over triple digits for the next week and 111 degrees for Friday and Saturday! Odd and scary to be this hot this time of year. It’s been sucking my energy and makes everything feel slower and dragging. Including poor Leela, lately taking her on walks has been even […]