I am very happy because a new Sprouts Farmers Market opened this week near us and the location is perfect for stopping on the way home from work. And just wow at the vegan options, I was overwhelmed with so many new products to try! Can’t wait to try the Organic Green Lentil Lasagne! And […]
Non-Dairy Finds & Fun Eats for the List
Another weekend flew by too fast. Maybe not for the pups, they were content to be lazy this weekend. I got out for a run this morning, but it was kind of a crap show with strong winds and allergies flaring up again. At least I got in a few good miles before breaking down […]
Lentils and a New Dressing
It is pouring rain outside again and we’ve got frustrated, lazy pups wanting a walk. But Miko will have nothing to do with wind and rain and poor Leela gets disoriented more easily in windy weather. And she probably prefers sleeping after a busy play date with my mom’s dog. It’s been awhile, too long, […]
12k Race and Birthday Eats for the List
Friday it rained all day, all day. So the pups decided to snuggle inside and stay dry. I did manage to get them out for one walk and Miko protested the entire way, then pouted about being wet when we got home. It’s been a week, but it was nice taking Friday off to spend […]
Vegan Ham & Great Eats
What a week and it’s only Wednesday. More like Thursday since I’m taking Friday off for a long weekend. I need it, we need it. And it’s supposed to rain all weekend here which is cool because we need that too. Our weather for Easter Sunday was perfect, I enjoyed a great morning run and […]
Happy Easter for the List
Happy Easter and April Fool’s day! What an odd combo. We’re keeping it low-key with a family gathering at my sister’s house where there will be plenty of wine and food I’m sure. Hubby and I went on a mission yesterday to track down the Tofurky vegan ham at Whole Foods, then Sprouts, and there […]
Chugging Along
We’re still getting back to normal here after our trip to Florida and playing a bit of catch up. Sweet Miko has been a super lap buddy ready for cuddles or enjoying the spring weather. Sunday I headed to my sister’s house for a little family gathering where her cat wanted all the attention and […]
Back from Urgent Travel
Whew, the last week has been crazy chaos and I’m still trying to figure out what time it is and which end is up. But glad to be back home. Basically we found out hubby’s father passed away and packed at the speed of light after work Monday to catch a red eye flight to […]
Air Fryer & Amazing Vegan Dinner for the List
Yuck on losing an hour with spring forward this weekend, it would be nice if this whole daylight savings thing just went away. I feel like I’ve lost more than an hour today, but did get in a decent run. Running is going better finally, the breathing issues are getting better and I’m considering getting […]
Pizza & Better Slaw Dressing
Whew, it’s been a week already! In a good way, but busy. I wouldn’t mind having a relaxing weekend day, Miko was thrilled to be a sweet lap buddy Sunday after a run. And it was a beautiful run with the ground fog clearing, spring blooms, and wild life. Sunday was an interesting day of […]