It’s been raining pretty consistently for the last few days here which is great for California! Except not for the pups who are bored of being inside, but hate going outside. Poor Miko has been a little frustrated being stuck inside. Smokey is perfectly happy to bury herself in her favorite couch blanket in this […]
Avocado Fennel Seed Dressing
Poor Leela has been a little rattled lately because of our refrigerator. I noticed a few weeks ago the compressor has been kicking on and off in an odd pattern even though it’s been maintaining the temperatures fine. And sometimes it makes a faint high pitched beep when it does which is bothering her. Hubby […]
Vegan Veggie Scramble
Miko has his favorite toy back, all is right in the world. Leela is not so much into toys, but she has been into raw broccoli lately and comes running to the kitchen as soon as I start chopping it. I’ve mentioned this chopper before, but the Zyliss Easy Pull Chopper is just awesome for […]
Avocado Cumin Dressing
Poor Miko cuddled with hubby last night while he pouted at me for putting his favorite toy in the wash. But I had no choice, he managed to pee on it when he took it outside to do his business. Silly guy! Smokey was not impressed with the drama and preferred sunbathing. I was craving a […]
Simple Sweet Apple Dressing
We’ve been getting some more rain here the last few days and some frustrated and bored chihuahuas who want more walks. Leela has even been stalking me around the house for any hint of leash time. Rain outside is no problem with kale growing away in the AeroGarden inside, here’s what the kale looks like […]
Avocado Blue Cheese Dressing
It must be getting closer to Friday because Miko is pouting at me again for being busy all week. I feel like pouting too after this work week, but there is a long and awesome weekend to look forward to! And check out the kale in the AeroGarden after only 14 days! It really is growing about […]
Peanut Ginger Dressing
I am ready for the weekend and I think Miko is too, he’s been pouting at me for being busy. Lots of make up cuddles and walks this weekend. We’ve only had the AeroGarden set up for seven days, but check out the kale growth already! All of the kale is sprouting like crazy and […]
Spicy Oil Free Peanut Stir Fry
Hubby surprised me with an early Valentine’s Day gift – an AeroGarden! We had fun setting it up yesterday and starting kale and herb planter pods in it, so I will be reporting a lot more on it when we start seriously growing stuff. First impressions: Wow, it’s high tech with a touch screen display, […]
Zingy Avocado Dressing
The chihuahuas have a serious case of the lazies this week and are sticking to their cozy fireplace beds. At most they shift to a different blanket or bed. And occasionally fight over who gets to claim the fuzzy red blanket. Rough life and I’m actually very jealous with such a busy week at work. […]
Fiery Peppercorn Dressing
Poor Leela has been a little lonely and clingy this week. She’s on antibiotics before a teeth cleaning appointment and not liking the side effects. I’m not liking having to sneak shove a dropper full of medicine into her mouth twice a day! Miko is not liking feeling left out of the medicine party even after […]