Yes, California is on fire again and the increasing number of wild fires here every summer and fall is scary. We’re still getting smoked out from the large fires north, the view from our backyard is icky. Climate change is real and scary and my heart aches for those losing homes or worse. Okay, too […]
Make This Dressing
Miko was not happy with me on this dressing recipe, he didn’t understand why I wouldn’t share. Don’t worry, I shared plenty of carrots and beans with him. But this recipe packs raw garlic which is not good for dogs. But powerfully good for humans compared to cooked garlic. It also has raw ginger and […]
Avocado Miso Dressing
Thank you for the kind words on the Shamrock’n half marathon, it’s been a tough training season which makes me look forward to better running weather ahead with a more aggressive training schedule. It’s been spotty this week while still recovering and keeping busy with work. But nice to rest a little. Sweet Miko continues […]
Savory Pumpkin Dressing
I’m feeling better now that the weekend is closer and things are settling down a bit. We’re back down to two dogs, Dasher went back home this morning. But we played another game of hide-from-the-camera last night. He is very camera shy and gets nervous just seeing the camera in my hand. Except when he’s […]
Lime Avocado Dressing with Flare
We have a house guest for the next few days, we’re dog sitting my mom’s, uh, hefty dog. And he’s camera shy hiding behind the couch when he sees it in my hand. So this is the best shot I could get just before he hid. What breed would you say he is? The shelter […]
Vinegar Tahini Dressing
I am so happy tomorrow is Friday! I’m ready! You? This week I finally watched The Barkley Marathons Documentary on Netflix and what a crazy race! I’ve been putting it off because I thought it would be grueling and tough to watch, but there was actually plenty of fun and humor in the story of how this insane […]
Creamy Spirulina Dressing
I think I’m still adjusting to the time change and losing an hour on a race day last weekend because getting out of bed for work has been tough this week. But Smokey is enjoying the additional sunshine in the evenings. And, oh yeah, it’s St. Patrick’s Day and I have a green recipe for […]
Fiery Peppercorn Dressing
Poor Leela has been a little lonely and clingy this week. She’s on antibiotics before a teeth cleaning appointment and not liking the side effects. I’m not liking having to sneak shove a dropper full of medicine into her mouth twice a day! Miko is not liking feeling left out of the medicine party even after […]
Dijon Thyme Dressing
It’s been awhile since I’ve been sick, really sick with a fever and too weak and dizzy to walk. Sunday I cut my 6 mile run short when I started feeling funny and achy at mile 3. By the evening I had a triple digit fever, headache, cough, and achy. Apparently there were multiple bugs being passed around […]
Kicky Tomato Dressing
My long birthday weekend is going well, I could get used to relaxing mornings to take the dogs for leisurely walks, go to the gym, drink coffee, go for runs outside, etc. It’s back to the grind tomorrow after another day of fun today and I guess that’s a good thing too. My niece made […]