Happy Valentine’s Day! Got any fun plans today? We’re planning to hear a famous doctor talk then brave the chaos and go out to dinner – should be fun! And I’m planning a 10 mile training run before because it’s Sunday Run Day! Last weeks training run went much better than expected breaking in new […]
Weekend List w/ Lots of Eats
Good morning and happy long weekend! I’m enjoying a peaceful morning going through the list and drinking coffee while I motivate myself for a long run shortly. Yesterday was great, hubby and I had an energizing long workout at the gym and stayed home the rest of the day working on projects. The big project […]
Weekend List
Happy, relaxing weekend! It is nice to have a little down time after a busy week. Miko and Smokey love couch time with hubby. Leela is happy to have her cuddle cube bed all to herself. Until she claimed the mountain of warm, clean blankets that came out of the dryer from our camping trip. […]
Weekend List w/ Oil Free Potatoes
Happy weekend! It’s been a productive one here so far, I headed to the gym at the crack of dawn yesterday to cram in a workout before my early hair appointment, caught up on laundry at home, dropped a large load of stuff off at an animal rescue thrift shop, and worked on decluttering at […]