We’re in Glacier Bay in Alaska today cruising the sights and I have tons pictures, there will probably be many posts from this cruise. We’re on the Vegan Cruise Planners Vegan Vacation at Sea 2015 and this is the second year for this vegan cruise series, our first time on it. Last year I heard there was […]
Weekend List with Dessert Inpiration
Yesterday we had a fun taco family gathering at my sister’s house with plenty of vegan options starting with whipping up the Whole Fruit Margarita recipe in the Vitamix recipe book. And I got brain freeze because it’s been awhile since I’ve had a frozen slushy drink! There was also tortilla chips with fresh made […]
This Nut-free Cake Pleases Everyone
I’m still recovering from the fun-loaded weekend after being on call for work, celebrating, running errands, and our Easter celebration. I need a weekend from the weekend! But it all went good and we had a huge and active Easter celebration at my sister’s house with family, friends, and way too much food. Thanks to […]
Chocolate Mousse Cake
Miko has discovered a new game called stash treats in the couch. I found quite a few cleaning over the weekend which made him very excited. The thought of heading back to Las Vegas makes me excited because I have a soft spot for the Wynn Las Vegas. I did a huge report and presentation on […]
Mint Cocoa Smoothie & Summer Dressing
Happy, relaxing weekend! Well maybe not for Leela. She’s pouting about Smokey discovering her favorite bed by the fireplace and hogging it. Looks like we need to pick up another bed! I’ve been enjoying decadent chocolate mint smoothies the last few days thanks to NuNaturals NuStevia Cocoa Mint Syrup. I should probably be coming up […]
Chocolate Cherry Banana Soft Serve
Guess what day it is…. hump day! It’d be pretty awesome if a camel wandered through our office. Miko seems to be in a slump today and a little frustrated with me for not paying enough attention to him. He’s happily at my feet now in his favorite mushy bed. But I needed a slump […]
Balsamic Chocolate Dressing
Evening walks are an important routine at our house, all three dogs start letting us know when the magical walk time is getting near. And get insanely excited when I start getting the leashes out. After the walk, Miko is always ready for another walk or at least an intense toy throwing session. While Skipper […]
Beet Greens and Chocolate
TGIF! And thank goodness, it has been an interesting week. But the weather has been gorgeous here after all the rain and Miko is enjoying playing in the backyard. Skipper is enjoying exploring all of our new weeds I need to do something about. And kale is flourishing in our backyard after so much rain, […]
Chocolate Therapy
Happy Super Bowl Sunday, hope your plans for the big day are for fun and great, healthy food. Ours are up in the air since poor hubby arrived home from his week of business travel with flu symptoms running a fever all of yesterday, coughing, and no energy. Miko, with his dirty toy, has been a […]
Missing the Weekend
What a week already, lots of madness at work, sinus headaches, and I’m wondering where the weekend disappeared to so fast! Our family gathering Sunday was great, even if I spent the first part of the day slaving in the kitchen while the guys chilled. Rough life, huh? But the recipes I threw together were […]