I miss 3 day weekends, I could use another. Yesterday we decided to get out of the house for a hike at Folsom Lake where the water level was depressingly low, it was more like a pond and we nearly walked across the lake where there was supposed to be water.

It has been very dry this year so far with little rain and snow which makes me sad just thinking how this has been getting worse since we moved to the area in 2006.
Miko has been such a sweet cuddle buddy loving that we’re home so much.

And I’m trying to get out when I can to take in fresh air and motivate myself for more of home workouts – not easy lately!

Eats have been pretty simple still, having fun using up boxes of pasta in the pantry to make noodle soups. I seasoned one with curry powder, Trader Joe’s Vegan Chicken seasoning, a little apple cider vinegar, and tamari for a delicious and kicky curry soup. I’ve also been working though a lot of soy curls this week using them in soups and stir fries.

And using a lot of rainbow chard we got in the farm box for simple stir fries, protein lentil pasta one night, and vegan Thai takeout from another local Thai restaurant that just added online ordering.

Hmm, so not a super exciting week here. Except before Covid-19 hit, we were looking to replace our dining table. Wow that seems so long ago now. We started that search again and again found we hated most options out there still (haha), lots of cheap tables and not a lot of great, large counter height options which was frustrating. Well we finally ordered a new, custom table this weekend! But it won’t be here until April-ish, lol. Oh well, we’ve waited this long so what’s a few more months? And maybe this year we’ll actually be able to host parties to enjoy it.
Other than that, I am still in the “just coasting” mentality here trying to be safe and make the most of being home more still reading more, trying new shows, and getting out in nature. And get through busy times at work. I am thankful to be busy and we will finally be adding another much needed team member, so that’s good. And so is this week’s list.
- I gotta try these vegan flatbread recipes.
- And this sweet gochujang recipe.
- Katy Perry could go 100% vegan.
- Vegan Google searches are up.
- Ways to gain strength on a vegan diet.
- Vegan restaurant in France gets Michelin star.
- Vegan diet guide for beginners.
- Vegan venture fund targets post pandemic.
- Yum, exciting new breakfast options.
- And cauliflower vegan queso, yum.
Oh, I feel your pain of those long-order furniture dreams… I “bought” a sofa back in November, but I still won’t get to sit on it until June! What a tease!
Yikes! I guess the pandemic has not helped. We will be replacing our living room furniture next – maybe I better get that order going now!