2021 is off to an interesting start and a busy start for me at work still. I was so busy and feeling burned out a bit that I hardly got any pictures. At the same time, I have been struggling to feel inspired while working hard and wanting to chill and decompress during down time. And trying to get cute Miko pics when, but he has been camera shy lately.
He has been enjoying his warm bed by a space heater in the office, yes he’s very spoiled.
I have been enjoying modifying simple vegan instant foods found at Grocery Outlet by adding more veggies to them like frozen spinach to an instant microwave pouch of beans and rice above.
And enjoying lots of pasta dishes this week using up foods in the pantry and adding more veggies to those. There have also been lazy soups and easy veggie stir fries.
I was a little bummed because our favorite local Thai place changed their online ordering system to where you can no longer pay online and I had a bad experience waiting way too long for food after paying for it onsite. Thankfully Pho Vegan Asian Cuisine just added a great online system for ordering and paying that we will be using instead! I am thrilled that it will be super easy to order and pick up food after work now and we tried it for the first time last night successfully.
I hope you’re doing okay. We have been feeling a little more burned out on lockdown lately missing the options for weekend fun we used to have now that we have a clearer picture of when things could start getting back to pre-covid-19 times and 2021 will be much of the same in this state. At the same time, trying to re-main thankful for what we have and finding drive to get creative for making the most of these times. Usually I would be looking forward to SacTown VegFest and Superbowl parties this time of year, but hopefully this gives us more time to make next year better. And I hope the list is a ray of light for the start of another week.
- How to go and stay vegan for Veganuary.
- Vegan split pea soup recipe. January is all about hearty soups for me.
- Vegan Superbowl recipes. Oh yeah, that’s coming up!
- Vegan breakfast cereals. Cereal is a comfort food for me.
- Vegan lotions for dry winter skin.
- Common myths about veganism.
- How to make vegan creamed anything.
- 20 inspiring vegan TED Talks to watch. We need inspiring.
- Is it time to find a therapist?
- How to help someone in crisis.
Hannah Kaminsky says
Tough, strange times, indeed. Miko has the right idea though; that looks so cozy!
christine says
So true, wish I could spend more time like that, haha.