Early Monday morning we were woken up by an intense thunder and lightening storm that’s very rare here this time of year. That storm system caused a lot of lightening fires around the bay area and valley. Thankfully we’re only affected by the smoke and ash, but the air quality has ranged between unhealthy to hazardous with these apocalyptic views. I just feel awful for those affected by the fires.

Sweet Miko has been very frustrated at the lack of walks between the air quality and triple digit heat and I am frustrated about not getting in any runs outside.

Miko had his follow up appointment with his regular vet Friday where the news on his enlarged heart was not better, but he adjusted his medication and gave him a diuretic shot which made the poor guy have to pee insane amounts that night. Hopefully we get better news on his follow up appointment this Friday.
It’s been a strange week, I feel like we’re just hanging in there until the fires and pandemic pass. I spent a lot of time in the office last week with big things going on which was okay, it’s lonelier in the office, but peaceful and productive. Currently I work part time remotely and go into the office as needed.
I’ve been turning to a lot of comfort foods this week. There have been the usual tofu stir fries and salads. But also eggplant tofu takeout from Pho Vegan Asian Cuisine and a hearty and comforting marinara dish using chickpea fettuccine.

More tofu stir fries, salad, and a comforting black bean pasta with basil and olive pasta sauce and spinach.

Also vegan pizza and kicky Thai cashew tofu takeout.

And now just fighting the Sunday blues hoping the fires clear up, for more outdoor time, and a good work week. And that you have a great week too starting with this list.
- Vegan friendly cosmetics you can find easily.
- It’s never too late to make a healthy change.
- Virtual plant based cooking classes for everyone.
- Vegan onion dip recipe. Yum.
- Try something new with these vegan black pepper recipes.
- Perfect time for vegan pepperoni.
- Chef tips for easy vegan cooking.
- Might need to go to a 7-Eleven soon.
- Fast food vegan hacks.
Oh wow, the fires are so sad and scary. It must be so frustrating to not be able to go outside.
Best wishes to little Miko.
Yes, very and it could get worse. Air quality is better this weekend, but not suite good enough for outdoor running and frustrating.
Thanks on Miko!
The air is just awful here, too. I’m too anxious to just sit indoors all day, gotta get that energy out somehow, so I’ve still been taking walks with Luka but paying for it dearly. My lungs feel raw when I wake up in the morning. I really hope the skies clear and the fires are put out soon.
I hope it’s finally getting better for you, it’s better this weekend but still not great. And yes, I feel strange after taking Miko for walks in the smoke too!