Well hello and how are you surviving these fascinating times? Last week was a week at work, trying to prepare a large company to work remotely with a shorthanded team has been interesting and I know many IT Professionals are living the same challenges. Friday was my first full day of working from home and it was strange, such a change after going into the office for years. I am going in tomorrow because our jobs can’t be completely remote and will continue to go in a couple of days a week or part days.
We stayed home all day Friday and Saturday working, binge watching, playing games, cleaning, and using the home gym. It has not been bad, Miko has been loving having us home for more for snuggle time.
And he has been loving more long walks. Our neighborhood has been chalked up with sweet messages for bored kids, so cute. And Miko has been spoiled with his warm mountain of blankets to hide in.
I deep cleaned the fridge today since it was emptier than usual pulling everything out, sterilizing drawers and shelves, and getting rid of the expired stuff which felt great. But I’m also spacing out deep cleaning parts of the house since it appears there will be plenty of time.
I miss eating out and am sad for the challenges restaurants face with our shelter in place mandate. So we’re going to try to support more carry out options too, but it’s been fun getting creative in the kitchen using what we have on hand. I made a simple spicy peanut saute with Explore Cuisine Organic Red Rice Pad Thai Noodles.
Lots of interesting cabbage and potato sautes and a hearty kale salad with kidney beans and canned peas that worked out well.
For St. Patrick’s Day, we did steamed cabbage, carrots, and potatoes with Beyond Meat Sausage because I was too wiped after a crazy work day to make vegan corned seitan.
There was also more cabbage and potato sautes with chickpeas and kale saute with peas.
Friday we tried the Sweet Earth Veggie Lover’s vegan pizza which is loaded with corn, broccoli, and even Brussels sprouts, yum!
And we had a Field Roast Hazelnut Cranberry Roast in our freezer that was not used over the holidays and had it last night. Hubby baked it over chopped potatoes, carrots, onion, and apple served with vegan gravy and a tasty sesame side salad because why not.
And I have a fridge full of leftovers for the week which is great. We’re just chugging along trying to focus on the positives, work on house projects and fun projects while staying in. How are you doing? Hopefully there is some inspiration in this weekend’s list.
- 31 questions from Bill Gates AMA on CONVID-19. Bill Gates is a fascinating person and you should check out Inside Bill’s Brain on Netflix if you haven’t already.
- Here’s a workout you can do with no gym equipment. We gotta get creative with gym’s closing.
- Deep clean one area in your kitchen each week. Sounds reasonable.
- Free virtual tour of the Winchester Mystery House.
- Going vegan helped this doctor and now she’s helping others.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger’s super cute vegan lock down video.
- 23 vegan documentaries for sheltering in place.
- Pantry staple vegan meals.
Hannah says
I’m right there with you- Cleaning out the fridge and pantry, cooking through all the things I’ve been saving up for a “special” occasion, and giving Luka so much more attention and many long walks. He’s certainly loving the quarantine! It’s tough, but not all bad…
christine says
Yes, shopping is so strange today – we went to Target and Sprouts and cashiers had to sterilize everything between customers and could not touch the bags we brought in. So great to have dogs during this, right? They’re so sweet and happy to be with you no matter what the situation.
Laura says
I’m a little jealous of that clean fridge! I hope to get inspired. My is terrible. We are surviving but I am afraid that fresh foods will become scarce. And I’ll admit, I don’t love homeschooling, it’s just not my gift! Bet your Miko is thrilled, LOL. We do get out for walks when we can. Even seeing the ducks is nice and springy! And yes to the local restaurants, I feel so bad for all the businesses getting shuttered out. So sad!
christine says
Haha, it’s been nice to see it so clean this week – a little sense of control in this chaos. Now I need to deep clean more areas in the house and motivation has been lacking this weekend. I feel for ya homeschooling, I can’t imagine how tough this is for parents. I’m training a new member of my team this week at work and it’s all up to me since the rest of our team is working remotely, that’s kind of similar – right?
Crissie says
Bummer that you still have to go into the office. I’m also IT – been home since March 5. Not everyone in IT is that lucky for sure – like all the site-specific desktop teams. They’ve been issuing thousands of new laptops, ipads, etc to get nonessential (aka – non-clinical) people home. The biggest issue for us is trying to launch as many telemedicine and app capabilities as possible. Stay safe and sane!
christine says
Yes, we go into the office part time only when needed and work remotely the rest. It’s strange to be the only one in the office, kind of nice and eerie at the same time. My team has been setting up many laptops and providing support for those new to VPNs and working remotely, it’s been crazy!