I am here and enjoying the long weekend after a long week. A week that included lots of workouts, so important for dealing with stress, lots of hubby and Miko cuddles, also important. And picking up vegan treats bright and early Friday morning from Pushkin’s for a team member leaving the company. That plus a sweet note got me out of an awkward lunch at a local deep dish pizza place with zilch for decent vegan options on the menu.

We also continued our search for a new dining set that has been interesting and frustrating since I have already decided what I want, a larger table that seats 6-8 that is counter height and durable for lots of projects, and the selection for large counter-height tables is not great. We found these two styles we loved, but no counter height option which is a deal breaker.

So far the best option seems to be a custom order wood table and chairs with the dimensions we want and solid wood which is not cheap and all. Beautiful and we get to pick our exact color and styles, but pricey.
I’ve been trying to keep eats simple and healthy this week which has not been easy with stress, but there have been simple oil free stir fries, takeout veggie wraps from Zest Kitchen thanks to hubby, Mexican kicky tofu veggie saute with salsa, and a loaded salad with Brazil nut dressing and sauerkraut.

It has been cold and feeling even colder with so much moisture in the air here. I got in a lovely and brisk run in the fog this morning and it was gorgeous. But a steaming bowl of Imagine Organic Potato Leek Soup hit the spot after which was scored at Grocery Outlet and delicious.

I’m not normally a big football fan, but today was kind of exciting with the 49ners playing and the Titans, a possibly pro vegan team. Hubby and I decided to get creative with comfort food dinners. Lightlife vegan chili hot dogs for him, roasted spaghetti squash topped with Amy’s Organic Refried Black Beans (another kicking Grocery Outlet score), vegan cheddar shreds, salsa, vegan sour cream, onions, and hot sauce melted to gooey perfection in the oven for me.

It was a huge squash that made a lot of filling servings, I’m set for meals the next few days! But also delicious with the salsa and vegan sour cream blending into the squash for a tasty combo.

I hope you’re having a great weekend and this list helps!
- 5 myths about going vegan. Simple, but good list. Though haven’t we proved that dairy is not a good calcium source at this point?
- Another awards show going vegan, I like this trend.
- What would happen if the country went vegan?
- Best vegan options at The Cheesecake Factory.
- Delicious vegan recipe inspiration.
- Vegan desserts with cooked fruit.
- Use Alexa to meditate.
That wood table with the moss in the center is gorgeous!
I thought so too, loved the color and bummed it wouldn’t work!
A very good reminder that I don’t eat nearly enough spaghetti squash. That fully loaded bundle of baked goodness looks amazing! What a fool-proof combination.
Me too, I have been forgetting to buy it lately and using it only when received in the farm box.