I have an interesting relationship with Brussels sprouts, I know they’re amazing nutritional powerhouses. But not easy to enjoy raw even pureed into smoothies and soups with their strong flavor and digestive challenges. Even Sheldon gave up on them on The Big Bang Theory. Cooking helps, but many cooking methods involve lots of oil and/or roasting them to a char and I’ve had mixed results trying to roast them without oil. But simmering them with grains and seasonings is my new favorite way to prepare them. This oil free quinoa dish pairs chopped Brussels sprouts with ginger and kale for an energizing super food main dish.
Ginger Brussels Sprouts and Quinoa
- 1 cup quinoa, rinsed
- 1 cup chopped Brussels sprouts
- 1 cup chopped kale
- 3 cups water
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 2 tbsp. miso paste
- 1” chunk of fresh ginger
- Dash of hot sauce (optional)
- salt and pepper to taste
- Place water, miso paste, ginger, garlic, and hot sauce into a high speed blender and blend until smooth.
- Pour mixture into a medium soup pot and add quinoa, brussel sprouts, and kale.
- Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 20-30 minutes or until loose liquid is absorbed, stirring frequently. Serve and enjoy! Makes 2-4 servings.
I used a blend of colorful quinoa for this recipe, but any variety will do.
The textures and colors are very pleasing in this dish.
The flavor works, nice garlic and ginger tang without being too strong overpowering the veggies. And the texture of the Brussels sprouts are perfect, soft, but not mush. Firm texture, but not crunchy or too chewy. And not harsh on the digestive system.
We discovered Miko loves Brussels sprouts too, perfectly happy to make short work of what we shared.
This looks so tasty!! Thank you for sharing! <3 <3 – http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
Sure, it’s quick and simple for weeknights.
I adore Brussels sprouts, but I’m with you- Never raw! It certainly wasn’t oil-free, but I did just have the best Brussels sprout sandwich at a tiny little cafe called Bio. They must have been roasted but were also shredded so that they didn’t roll right out of the bread, and believe me, it was way better than it sounds.
That dish sounds amazing too, shredding them really helps cut down the harshness of the texture.
I really like them steamed so that they are really tender and topped with Siracha. I find it helps digest them easier and everything is tastier with Siracha!
Agreed on steamed and I think I’ll try just sriracha next since I bought a huge stalk of them from Trader Joe’s!
The dish looks awesome! I LOVE it when the dogs get their lip stuck a bit and they show a tooth popping out LOL
Thanks! So true and it’s so cute on chihuahuas, we call it their “Elvis” lip. :-)
I just picked all of the Brussels sprouts from my garden yesterday! I ate lots of them raw and can’t wait to roast them. And I have just enough to try your recipe. Thanks, Christine!
How cool that you have your own Brussels sprouts growing, jealous! Maybe next year in our garden!