I’m sad the long weekend is over and it was back to the grind today, but we have more fun planned next weekend and a short work week! Memorial Day was very low key here, my mom came over with her super energetic dog, Dasher.
All three dogs instantly started competing for her attention, she could not get peace on the couch!
Miko was feeling left out and needed hubby to remind him he’s still loved.
Smokey wanted nothing to do with the drama and enjoyed the warm sun and fresh air.
And we feasted on a vegan Memorial Day super dinner with potato chips, vegan burgers, waffle fries, and baked beans. Yeah, it wasn’t the healthiest evening, but it was a holiday splurge.
I tried a Sweet Earth Vegan Burger for the first time and it was good, had more of a grainy texture with quinoa, beans, and seitan which I liked since I’m not looking for a traditional “meaty” burger experience. And very filling!
After Dr. Pam Popper’s speech and with so much stress going on lately, I’ve been trying to eat better. I’ve always been a healthy eater during the week with smoothies and salads, but a little laid back during the weekends with eating out, sometimes snacking on chips, etc. Balance, right? But the points she made about oils and simple fats hit home. For the last month or so I’ve been focusing more on cutting out oils and snack foods opting for fruit instead and mastering cooking without oil when I do cook. Also keeping problem foods out of the house. And I’ve been feeling better, no bloating or iffy insides and having more energy. Well apparently my stomach got spoiled because it was not happy after this meal, heart burn, bloating, etc. Lesson learned on eating that much greasy food at once! And proof to me that too much oil is a bad thing for our bodies to handle.
So back to healthy with a simple, whole fat hemp seed salad dressing that could be a great dip too.
Creamy Garlic Hemp Dressing or Dip
- 1 cup shelled hemp seeds (or sunflower seeds)
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
- 1 tsp. dill
- 1/2 cup water, as needed
- salt and pepper to taste.
Place all ingredients into a blender and blend on high to a smooth and creamy texture. Serve and enjoy! Makes 4-6 servings.
Simple list of summery and savory ingredients for a simple salad, but the dressing is also high in satisfying protein and whole fats.
It’s very thick, creamy, and decadent.
I coated a simple romaine salad with it topped with seasoned nutritional yeast.
And enjoyed a hearty and cool summer meal salad.
Sounds like you had a nice long weekend! I adore any recipes with garlic in them, so tasty! For the first time this year, I’m growing my own, yay!!! I have a few rows of it and KNOW that it will be super tasty when it’s ready in July….especially in this recipe =)
So awesome on growing garlic, I want to try that next!
The color of those carrots omg! The dog trio was cute! Awwww!
Thanks, they are a wild bunch when they get together!