When I first started getting into raw recipes, I gained a passion for jicama for its crisp texture, satisfying crunch, and fresh, versatile flavor that can go either savory or sweet. Jicama sticks are great dipped in hummus, pates, raw sauces, and even chocolate avocado pudding. At only about 45 calories per cup, it’s a great snacking alternative to chips and even nuts. I had one to use up in my fridge that I decided to try it in a smoothie. I only used half of this one because it’s huge!
I peeled and chopped it, then tossed into the Vita-Mix with fresh strawberries, vanilla pea protein, red cabbage, carrot, Vitamineral Green, and frozen blueberries.
It blended well into the smoothie enhancing the sweetness of the fruit and vanilla flavor from the protein while adding a thick, gloppier texture. I had to finish this smoothie with a spoon, but that made it seem more like a dessert than a meal smoothie.
My 93-year-old grandma is so sweet, for family gatherings she bring cans of mixed nuts for appetizers. But she buys them from a drugstore in walking distance from her retirement home and they only have the variety with peanuts mixed in. Since she thinks the peanuts are lower quality, she picks them all out before bringing the cans. Hey, I hope to be that passionate at 93! :-)
She also thinks it’s the greatest thing in the world when I bring her homemade nut butters using a blend of her favorite nuts. Though it’s much faster and easier for me to create the butters than picking out peanuts! I’ve become spoiled by home made nut butters for the fresh flavor, pure ingredients and nearly endless flavor combo possibilities. Like the coconut almond butter I created today. I just dumped 2 cups of almonds, 2 cups of shredded coconut, and about 1/2 tsp. of salt into my food processor and ran it for about 5 minutes stopping occasionally to stir.
It made about 8 oz. of butter. The texture was a little thicker and more whipped than the oil-added store-bought stuff, but the rich coconut flavor made it worth it.
I think grandma will enjoy this flavor next time I make it because this jar is all mine!
It would be great on raw breads, apple slices, etc. But who am I kidding? I’ll probably just eat it straight out of the jar for snacking.
What’s your favorite nut butter flavor?
coconut almond butter…omg that looks glorious!! and your grandma sounds so sweet and you are sweet to make things for her. I would give anything to be an adult and have my grandma with me and be able to cook with or for her…oh what i wouldnt give!
fave nut butter = TJs sunflower seed butter
or my own homemade chocolate coconut cashew butter
and jicama, yum! forgotten veggie, need to buy it again.
So sweet to make your grandmother a nut butter! I bookmarked your recipe because that sounds divine!
I’ve been using jicama for “mashed potatoes” (raw, in the dehydrator, a Russell James recipe) and spiralized in salads. YUM.
The jicama mashed potatoes sounds great, I’ve tried raw jicama rice before that was wonderful. Never tried spiralizing it, but will have to now.
I used my jicama leftovers in a green juice this morning — two handfuls of kale, spinach, and basil stems; jicama; celery; 1/2 cucumber; 2 small Red Delicious apples; and a quarter-sized piece of ginger. Turned out great. I’ll have to try it in a smoothie sometime.