Right when I started working on this post last night, our entire neighborhood lost power. And we didn’t get it back for a few hours, right before I went to bed. And it sucked! When I lived in Florida, loosing power was a regular occurrence, nothing like being without AC in 100% humidity! But it […]
Tomato Hemp Alfredo Sauce
Is there anything more decadent and unhealthy than a traditional Alfredo sauce? Most of the recipes I’ve seem are solid cream, butter, cheese and all-fat milk. Not very vegan friendly and a dangerous gut bomb when paired with pasta. But I never get tired of creating healthier, high-raw versions to coat veggies in. Tonight I […]
Crispy Tempeh
I am counting down the days until things start slowing down at work thanks to new help being hired and half marathon training being over for a bit and that’s in less than two weeks, woohoo! Oh, to not feel mentally drained after workdays again, I can’t wait! And more time to play in the […]
Kamut Berry Stew
It’s been so nice to decompress this weekend after such a crazy week. And since it was very windy and rainy most of the day yesterday, it was a great excuse to stay home with the exception of a trip to the gym and grocery shopping. Since there was no way my long run was […]
Thai Tempeh Noodles
We’re only two days into the week and I’m ready for it to end already! Shorthanded at work with tons of projects and problems, tons of rain and wind adding bad hair to my stress, and another cold/flu thing running around that I don’t want to catch – sheesh! I guess I’ve been a little […]
Stress Cravings
I’m really enjoying the current issue of VegNews, The Man Issue. Apparently everyone else is too because I finally found it at Whole Foods after stopping at 3 other stores that were out! I need to just get a subscription to VegNews! Lots of great, inspiring quotes in it: And a great article on vegan […]
Raw Soups for Spring
It’s been a week so far! The challenges and stresses are plentiful to say the least, but it seems to be flying by so there’s that. I’m not only getting nagged at work, but at home too! Smokey has been very clingy and curious following us around the house, stomping across keyboards, and trying to […]
Noodle Tempeh Stir Fry
Now I remember why I’ve been holding off for so long on replacing my car – car shopping is a pain in the rear! I’m spoiled by having a reliable car that’s been paid off for over 7 years. But browsing the prices, payments, insurance costs, etc. on a new car is frustrating after so […]
Tempeh Marinara
I’m getting spoiled by all these 3-day weekends lately, not a bad thing at all! But I need it after this work week, lots going on with projects and things picking up again after the holidays. I managed to weasel out of overtime this weekend when another guy in our group expressed interest in the […]
Hemp Mustard Dressing
In talking to my mom and sister today, I noticed we vented continuously about feeling stressed, crunched for time, strung out, etc. My mind raced as I listened to all their stresses and tallied my own. That’s been the trend for me this week settling back into a busy schedule at work, catching up with […]