Ah, Friday. Feel that? The load lifting to a couple of days of relaxation? Assuming my weekend on call is quiet, of course. After a long week, frigid weather and a mild sinus headache, we were happy to have a relaxing night at home tonight playing dueling chefs in the kitchen creating dinners. Plus I […]
Simple Lunch & A Whatever Dinner
What a week, I’m so glad I’m taking tomorrow off! It won’t be entirely relaxing though, I have a list of errands and tasks to do at home like wrap gifts, meal plan, shop. Though I’m not looking forward to the errand part so much, holiday road madness is in full force! Why does something […]
Lentil Quinoa Chili
So happy this week is almost over! I’ve been on call for work and getting a lot of night calls this week and I’m feeling the lack of sleep. But enough whining, every once in awhile I get a thank you gift at work from co-workers happy to have working computers. Today I got one […]
Trying to Warm Up
Ah, Monday and after a long, relaxing weekend. I wasn’t exactly thrilled to jump out of our warm bed in the dark cold this morning and trying to get back into the grind was not easy. But I am grateful I had Black Friday off work. I worked for a small, private IT company for […]
Wasabi & Quinoa Soups, Race Nerves & Spicy Salad
I’m glad the weekend is here, but this isn’t exactly a relaxing one while preparing for the half-marathon tomorrow which I’m pretty nervous about and not looking forward to leaving the house at 6 AM! I’ve been combing over many articles and books for last minute advice on eating, marathon manners, what to pack, etc. […]
More High Protein Tofu & Eggplant Curry Recipe
Whew, I’m so glad it’s almost Friday! This has been an abusive week with a lot going on at work and home while training for and stressing about the Urban Cow Half Marathon this weekend. I’m looking forward to it and getting it over with because trying to juggle a training schedule with the summer […]
Kefir, New Bottle & Curried Quinoa
Happy Tuesday, how’s your week going so far? Mine is going and I’m looking forward to a day off tomorrow. Before learning about a raw vegan diet, I didn’t really think much about gluten and how it affected me. All I knew is I didn’t seem to be allergic or sensitive to it, so I […]
Farmer’s Market & Vegan Surprise
Hello and happy almost Friday! For a short 4 day week, this one has been dragging for me. Since Monday I’ve been dopey with sinus pressure, a bit tired and dragging through workouts, so I’m looking forward to relax time this weekend. For lunch I had leftover tempeh stir-fry and salad. The stir-fry is topped […]