I am seriously bummed about this unfortunate news from Cafe Gratitude, just heart breaking! With great sadness we are announcing the upcoming closing/sale of all Northern California Café Gratitude’s. At least I got to experience the Berkeley location and Gracias Madre once and hope to get in more visits before the doors are closed. This […]
One of Those Days
Today was definitely a Monday! I was hoping things would slow down a bit with this week being a holiday week, but oh no. Or maybe I’m still just a little tired and cranky recovering from being sick over the weekend and juggling extra work with others still out sick. It was nice to come […]
Tahini Quinoa & Quick Salad
What’s really frustrating about this week is that even though it’s been busy, it seems to be going by slowly! So hooray for tomorrow being Friday! There’s still so much going on at work and I just feel like I need more time to catch my breath and catch up with my growing task list. […]
Protein Quinoa & Hempy Cheesy Sauce
Wasn’t the moon this morning gorgeous? Even though I was running slightly late for work, I still had to step out in the backyard in the cold and dark to try and snap it with my macro lens and got some okay shots. But my night time photography skills still need a lot of work. […]
Getting Through It
The last few days at work have been an insane blur, 12-hours of doing way too much at once scrambling to meet project deadlines. It’s been interesting packing breakfast, lunch, and dinner which have been smoothies, salads, Trader Joe’s frozen vegan meals, and vegan snack bars. Not terribly exciting, but functional, healthy, and way better […]
Quick Quinoa & Chickpeas
While mowing the lawn, hubby found a new friend. Isn’t he cute? Thank goodness he wasn’t mowed! I think he’s a variety of garter snake? Just as long as he’s not a rattlesnake again, hubby innocently picked up one of those a few months ago not realizing what it was. Thankfully no ER trip was […]
Dijon Quinoa Slaw
After such a wonderful trip in Fort Bragg earlier this week, it’s been painful getting back into the grind. Especially with family emergencies, work stress, and housework to catch up on. Sadly I still have unpacking and laundry to do from the trip and have not made it to the grocery store yet. Thankfully yesterday […]
Curried Protein Quinoa
One of the sessions I went to at the Raw Health Expo was called “Where Do You Get You Protein?” by Dr. Rick Dina. A question every vegan loves, right? But it was an informative session outlining that a vegan diet high in a variety of plant foods not only contains plenty of protein, but […]
Spicy Veggie-Packed Quinoa
Friday Dr. T. Colin Campbell of Forks Over Knives was interviewed by Bill Maher and here it is if you have 8 minutes to spare. Come on Bill, if I can afford to shop at Whole Foods, anyone can! Just avoid the pricey healthy alternatives to processed foods and stick mainly to the produce department […]
Tangy Pre-Run Quinoa
While training for my first half marathon and getting into more distance running, I noticed hip and ankle pains that caused me to analyze my running shoes and find significantly more wearing on the outer edges of the soles. After lots of research, I decided I’m an over-pronator and tried Asics GEL-Kinetic 3s for my […]