I’m ashamed to say it’s been a long time since I’ve used our Excalibur Food Dehydrator, over a year maybe! I had to dig it out of the back corner of our pantry for this recipe. But I got inspired with this lovely bunch of fresh kale we got in our farm box. And after […]
Ginger Miso Stir Fry Sauce
The long weekend is almost here, woohoo! I don’t even mind that it’s supposed to rain all weekend. Neither does Smokey as long as she has her favorite couch blanket. Leela is funny about eating V-Dog kibble, she likes to leave little bits outside the bowl and comes back for them later. For me, when […]
Creamy Asian Dressing
We’re supposed to be getting many days of chilly rain this week and that’s a good thing, we need it. Except sharing the warm fireplace isn’t always easy, Smokey gets a little cranky when Miko gets in the way of her favorite show. And Miko likes to lay his toys out at the fireplace to warm them […]
Creamy Herb Dressing
I am finally recovering from the flu nightmare and had a decent run at the gym tonight that was needed! I can still feel my lungs recovering and cough is still hanging around a bit, but it’s slowly going away. I read a cough can hang around for weeks after a flu while the lungs […]
Roasted Oil Free Golden Beets
I am finally starting to feel “normal” again after over a week of the flu, but getting back to the gym has been tough with a cough still sticking around. The sweet chihuahuas have been very patient despite the lack of walks during my sick time and now rain, poor guys. Smokey has been happy […]
Dijon Thyme Dressing
It’s been awhile since I’ve been sick, really sick with a fever and too weak and dizzy to walk. Sunday I cut my 6 mile run short when I started feeling funny and achy at mile 3. By the evening I had a triple digit fever, headache, cough, and achy. Apparently there were multiple bugs being passed around […]
Veggie Ginger Rice
The pups are a little annoyed with me and the weather, it’s been windy and raining the last two days. That’s great, we need it in California! But even Leela won’t step outside when wind gusts rush inside as soon as I open the door. Thankfully we get a break in the rain tonight and […]
Golden Beet Dressing
Wow, Christmas is less than a week away! And I’ll be spending a good chunk of the weekend recipe planning and grocery shopping between seeing Star Wars with hubby and running. I wonder if Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods will be crowded?! It’s all good and I’m ready to enjoy low-key family gatherings because it was a […]
Raw Hemp Nog Energy Balls
Miko has been extra hungry lately perhaps from the cold weather, I caught him last night sneaking steamed spaghetti squash from Leela’s bowl. So innocent. I’m thankful they’re fans of healthy foods. And who says you can’t enjoy healthy foods as holiday treats? It’s been too long since I created raw vegan energy balls and these are […]
Easiest Lemon Hemp Dressing
Our Christmas tree is finally up and I put enough lights on it for a few trees I think! Christmas cheer is in the house too, these two have been peacefully sharing the cuddle cube bed in front of the fireplace which is rare. And lemon trees are in full bloom, I scored a huge […]