Spring forward is a dirty trick! I woke up nice and early this morning thinking I had plenty of quiet time before having to hit the gym and dash out to get the day going, then looked at my computer clock and remembered we lost an hour. Not fair! But Miko doesn’t seem to care, […]
Fresh & Easy Sacramento Launch Event
When we moved to this area in 2006, the pickings were slim for health food shopping – Costco, Trader Joe’s, and small, pricey health food sections of regular grocery stores. Since then things have changed a lot! We got a new Whole Foods, Sprouts Farmers Market, and a Sunflower Farmers Market. But the latest edition […]
2011 Foodbuzz Blogger Festival Day 1
Hello from San Francisco! I’m in the city for the 3rd Annual Foodbuzz Blogger Festival and having a blast so far. Hubby and I arrived into the city yesterday afternoon and checked into our cute, little, old-but-renovated hotel room. It’s very cozy! We weren’t even in the city for an hour before I got into […]
WIAW & Green Hummus
I’m relieved this week is more than halfway over because I’m exhausted with stress. I actually overslept my alarm this morning, I remember setting it before bed, but woke up 20 minutes past it to find it was off. Somehow I turned it off and don’t remember. Scary! Note to self: get to bed earlier […]
SkyRobics & Open Sandwich Dinner
I don’t know why, but today feels like it should be Friday. Not because I’m tired of work… well I am just a little. But because I’m just in a great mood today and ready for more free time to play. Hopefully the weather will behave this weekend for a little outdoor fun. Until then, […]
Simple Lunch & A Whatever Dinner
What a week, I’m so glad I’m taking tomorrow off! It won’t be entirely relaxing though, I have a list of errands and tasks to do at home like wrap gifts, meal plan, shop. Though I’m not looking forward to the errand part so much, holiday road madness is in full force! Why does something […]
Marinated Mushroom & Hummus
Yay, Monday! Actually not a horrible one, I feel liberated since I was on call for work all last week and got to pass the torch today and next weekend is a 3 day weekend! Today’s high was a lovely 104 degrees and I could already feel the heat climbing when arriving to work at […]