I am finally recovering from the flu nightmare and had a decent run at the gym tonight that was needed! I can still feel my lungs recovering and cough is still hanging around a bit, but it’s slowly going away. I read a cough can hang around for weeks after a flu while the lungs […]
Creamy Carrot Noodle Salad
Wait, how is it Sunday night already? Another weekend vanished too quickly! Keeping my fingers crossed that it’ll be a quieter week at work with the New Year’s mini break, we’ll see. We got a bunch of organic beets in our farm box this week and, due to lack of creativity, I decided to throw […]
Holiday Recipe Inspiration
Merry Christmas! Hard to believe it’s here already! But I’m ready with recipe planning and all my shopping and wrapping done. I think. What I’m not sure I’m ready for is a long, pre-Christmas run this morning with everything covered in frost outside and temps in the low 20s! The poor kale in our garden. […]
Quick Quinoa & Chickpeas
While mowing the lawn, hubby found a new friend. Isn’t he cute? Thank goodness he wasn’t mowed! I think he’s a variety of garter snake? Just as long as he’s not a rattlesnake again, hubby innocently picked up one of those a few months ago not realizing what it was. Thankfully no ER trip was […]
Can’t Go Wrong Chickpea Stew
Never fails, whenever I park it on the couch with my laptop, Shadow thinks it’s his personal scratching device. Using the air compressor to blast grey cat fur from laptops is a regular chore around here. He gets overwhelmed when both hubby and I are on the couch with laptops going back and forth. While […]
Orange Butternut Stew
I am a fan of pomegranates, the sweet and tarty seeds remind me of snacking by the pool on lazy summer days as a kid. Days when I was relaxed, having fun and not in a hurry because eating a raw pomegranate is a time-consuming project that the adult version of me still manages to […]
Creamy Chickpea Chowder
Today I decided to skake things up for lunch, using my lunch break to make a stock-up trip to Target. Instead of one big meal, I had a snack before and a Sun Warrior smoothie after. The snack was a Kind bar and the first time I’ve tried one – Kind Plus Cranberry Almond. Usually […]
Curry Chickpea Stew
Well happy Monday, I hope it treated everyone well. Mine was okay, but I felt pretty scattered at work trying to get back into the grind while mentally preparing for the holidays. Monday’s aren’t typically my most productive days, so adding a layer of holiday complication did not help! Luckily I got it together by […]
New Shoes & Chickpea Stew
Can’t believe it’s Monday already … and November! I’m pretty sore today from yesterday’s mud run, my legs are making me pay for running way more hills than I’m used to. Okay, I can barely walk! But I’m one of those crazy people that actually doesn’t mind being a little sore, it reminds me that […]
More High Protein Tofu & Eggplant Curry Recipe
Whew, I’m so glad it’s almost Friday! This has been an abusive week with a lot going on at work and home while training for and stressing about the Urban Cow Half Marathon this weekend. I’m looking forward to it and getting it over with because trying to juggle a training schedule with the summer […]