After such a wonderful trip in Fort Bragg earlier this week, it’s been painful getting back into the grind. Especially with family emergencies, work stress, and housework to catch up on. Sadly I still have unpacking and laundry to do from the trip and have not made it to the grocery store yet. Thankfully yesterday […]
Vibrant Lemon Quinoa
Shadow is a sweetheart … when he’s not sinking his teeth or claws I forgot to clip into our hands. Luckily his ADD kicks in before he does too much damage. Just need to wave a shiny object and it gets his attention for 1.26 seconds. Before he notices the sun shining on the ceiling. […]
Curried Protein Quinoa
One of the sessions I went to at the Raw Health Expo was called “Where Do You Get You Protein?” by Dr. Rick Dina. A question every vegan loves, right? But it was an informative session outlining that a vegan diet high in a variety of plant foods not only contains plenty of protein, but […]
Hemp Protein Socca
Pretty much any hemp product is a super food for me for all the good fats, fiber, complete protein, nutrients, and are so darn easy to work with compared to other seeds and nuts. Hemp seeds are one of my favorite recipe ingredients. But hemp protein powder is another staple in my kitchen and currently […]
Tangy Pre-Run Quinoa
While training for my first half marathon and getting into more distance running, I noticed hip and ankle pains that caused me to analyze my running shoes and find significantly more wearing on the outer edges of the soles. After lots of research, I decided I’m an over-pronator and tried Asics GEL-Kinetic 3s for my […]
Another Lentil Curry Dish
Our weather went from triple-digit heat to the 60s and rainy today. Lovely, isn’t it? But that’s okay because I had to work all day and got to cross watering the garden off my daily chore list. But one lazy chihuahua did not want to get out of bed this morning to head to her […]
Hemp Butter Pate
Summer is officially here, it was 102 degrees today! Crazy that I was complaining about the cold just earlier this month. Our poor garden is feeling the heat and looking a little sad. But the cute little sunflowers in my backyard are blooming in the sweltering heat. And all I’m craving is cold, raw meals […]
Ginger Hemp Dolmas
Smokey has a rough life, can’t you tell? It’s hard not feeling relaxed just looking at her. Gotta respect a cat that has no problem letting it all hang out and enjoying simple pleasures in life like cheap Ikea mats and sunlight. She inspired me to focus on simple pleasures for dinner like my favorite […]
BBQ Tempeh
Yikes, I’m already ready for Friday. I feel like I’ve been spending too much time catching up on housework that I didn’t get to over the weekend. I need to stop messing up my kitchen so much. Yeah, that’s not gonna happen! Anyway, welcome back to tempeh week! :-) Tonight’s tempeh is Lightlife’s Organic Wild […]
Curry Tempeh Stir Fry
How did Monday get here so fast? And it was another gray and dreary day, overcast, cold and rainy – not pretty. Seriously, where’s our June weather? If the forecast tells the truth, it’ll be here later this week with plenty of sun and temps in the 80s – I can’t wait! No more mud […]