Ah Monday, good thing it’s over! And after an emotionally draining weekend, it was nice to come home after work and annoy relax with some furry friends. But I’m still feeling the stress of the last few weeks being tired, tense, and a little achy. The physical effects of stress are amazing, and annoying. Even […]
Ginger Hemp Pate
Today was an emotional roller coaster with work stress and not great news about my grandma, I guess I’ve been a little cranky because Leela has resorted to hiding behind my collection of race shirts. Hint taken. Amazing how she can sense my mood better than I can sometimes. After such an exhausting day, it […]
Raw Summer Squash Soup
In our last farm box, we got some unique looking yellow and green summer squashes. I assumed they tasted a lot like zucchini and took a gamble modifying a raw creamy zucchini soup recipe for these. The texture kind of looks like vanilla soft serve ice cream, that would be an interesting surprise! Because […]
Hemp Protein Socca
Pretty much any hemp product is a super food for me for all the good fats, fiber, complete protein, nutrients, and are so darn easy to work with compared to other seeds and nuts. Hemp seeds are one of my favorite recipe ingredients. But hemp protein powder is another staple in my kitchen and currently […]
Creamy Tomato Basil Sauce
I don’t think there are work appropriate words to describe my mood when a co-worker software engineer called me at 12:45 AM this morning to update me on server status because he forgot to call me at, oh, A REASONABLE HOUR! I guess he forgets that not everyone can run on 3 hours of sleep […]
Picnic Packing & Hemp Crunch Balls
Whew, I have been buzzing around like crazy since jumping out of bed this morning, kitchen cleaning, smoothie guzzling, great run followed by a Bowflex routine, and messing up the kitchen with lots of food prep for an afternoon picnic/food fest – weeeee! But I stumbled onto something perfect for today’s adventure – a picnic […]
Hemp Butter Pate
Summer is officially here, it was 102 degrees today! Crazy that I was complaining about the cold just earlier this month. Our poor garden is feeling the heat and looking a little sad. But the cute little sunflowers in my backyard are blooming in the sweltering heat. And all I’m craving is cold, raw meals […]
Ginger Hemp Dolmas
Smokey has a rough life, can’t you tell? It’s hard not feeling relaxed just looking at her. Gotta respect a cat that has no problem letting it all hang out and enjoying simple pleasures in life like cheap Ikea mats and sunlight. She inspired me to focus on simple pleasures for dinner like my favorite […]
Hemp Seed Fudge Balls
Pretty obvious that I’m obsessed with hemp seeds, more so than nuts. To me, they’re a super food with high quality protein, all the essential amino acids, and a great source of omegas. But I haven’t really tried any dessert recipes with them. If chickpeas and black beans can make desserts, hemp seeds can make […]
Raw Feisty Mac
Rain, rain, and more rain sums up today. The sky looked like this most of the day. And the temp never reached 60, that’s a crime for the first day of June! I’m surprised my hair didn’t look like a big frizz ball at the end of the day. After getting drenched multiple times and […]