It’s a wet weekend here and our two dogs are not happy refusing to venture out into the backyard in the wind and rain. Okay, I didn’t either for this mornings run. I was planning a quick 3-mile run, but ended up on the elliptical instead with the gusty winds outside. I can handle running […]
Raw Protein & Orange Dessert Balls
In some ways I still feel like I’m recovering from being on antibiotics for most of last week. I’ve forgotten, or happily blanked out, how unhappy they can make my insides killing off all the good bacteria too and I think things are still trying to get back to normal. To accelerate that process, I’ve […]
Chocolate Banana Mousse
I’ve never been big into preparing special meals on Valentine’s Day since it usually falls on a work day and all I want is a simple night out with wine. But I’ll make an exception if the recipe is quick, easy, and loaded with chocolate. In fact, with as stressful as work has been lately, […]
New Shoes & Orange Sherbet
Long weekends are the best, so nice not having to prepare for the work week on a Sunday night. I played in the kitchen instead and it was wonderful. I’ve also been braking in new running shoes this weekend – Asics GEL-Kinetic 4s. The problem with running more miles is I literally kill running shoes […]
Candy Cane Dessert Balls
Is it bad that I’ve been to Baagan twice this week – so far? Discovering a high-raw vegan casual dining gem near work might be a problem! Maybe not when lunch prices are comparable to Panera, but menu items much more me! I got a lovely massaged kale salad with almonds, pomegranate seeds, tomato, and […]
Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream
I’ve had my hands full the last two days breaking in Miko, our newly adopted rescued chihuahua, who is currently snoring in my lap after another intense play session. When we first brought him home Saturday, he was a calm and sweet little guy. Sunday he turned into a wild party animal thinking our cats […]
I Can Have Chocolate for Dinner
Because I’m an adult and having a stressful day week month, I can have chocolate for dinner, right? When I got home from work, my stomach was not so happy after a non-stop day. And I was craving chocolate, lots of chocolate. Since my last batch of energy balls are gone, I had to make […]
Mint Chocolate Energy Balls
Ah Monday, good thing it’s over! And after an emotionally draining weekend, it was nice to come home after work and annoy relax with some furry friends. But I’m still feeling the stress of the last few weeks being tired, tense, and a little achy. The physical effects of stress are amazing, and annoying. Even […]
Picnic Packing & Hemp Crunch Balls
Whew, I have been buzzing around like crazy since jumping out of bed this morning, kitchen cleaning, smoothie guzzling, great run followed by a Bowflex routine, and messing up the kitchen with lots of food prep for an afternoon picnic/food fest – weeeee! But I stumbled onto something perfect for today’s adventure – a picnic […]
Watermelon Mint Sorbet
So no frozen watermelon cocktail recipes yet. But maybe this weekend since I have a few large bags of frozen watermelon chunks stashed in our freezer. Watermelon is probably my all time favorite fruit, I could eat every day and never get tired of it. I just get giddy when I see rows of bins […]